Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mom's 90th Birthday, January 11, 2025


Donna and Linda doing Kitchen prep.

Angie and Donna Ashwood

L-R Seth Owens, Butch Ashwood, Mike Liebhardt, Eric Liebhardt, David Autrey

Sandi Lance, Suz Sumida, Donna Ashwood

Suz, Sandi, Katie,Tiffany

Don (on scooter) trying to get through the gauntley of Goldy's relatives who were constantly clogging the aisle way between the stairs, elevator and residents' rooms. Robert is right in front of Don, on HIS knee scooter. Robert was about 3 1/2 weeks out of heel surgery; Katie about the same from knee surgery and on crutches.

Alex , Liz Ashwood, Angie Ashwood, Casey Rossman (Kay-cee)

The Owens family: Seth, Jonathan, Gail, Caroline.

David, Mom, Aunt Tuny

Robert and Janet Autrey's entire family (except for Pontus, Sarah's husband)
And I believe Koa is also missing from the photo. But he was there! somewhere.

Onyx Rackham with his great grandma. Onyx is Amanda's.

Ashwood family with Alex.

Linda & Mike Liebhardt family (less Damian's party of 5)

the Sorensen contingent. Steve Sorensen, Suz, Aunt  Tuny, Sandi.

Mom's smile was wearing out, so she used some different muscles. 

All the first cousins and siblings.

Mom singing "Happy Birthday to Me."

Amanda Autrey Rackham with Aunt Tuny

Steve and Mike chatting. Right in the middle of the hallway! Clear a path, people!! haha

I always have to stand on a chair around my siblings because I'm so short. I also needed to get everyone's attention because we were trying to play a trivia game with facts about Mom's life. It was fun. I think Robert won.

Clear a path, people!

Siblings, cousins, second generation. Caroline, Jonathan Owens; Hayden, Corbin Rossman

David Autrey, Seth Owens

Alex and Liz. I don't know Alex's last name, but he's Liz's boyfriend.

Gail was in charge of name tags. Caroline did games and coloring with littles.

Janet provided a beautiful and big cake from Walmart.

Katie and Casey's family

Two of Mom's friends from Missouri. They drove down from SLC, but came at 2 pm. Mike found them knocking on our front door and had them follow him to Our House. Since the family was cleaning up and leaving, they got to visit privately in her room, quietly. It was SO NOISY at the party!
Lois Price and Paula Richins.

Jessica Autrey, Josh and Scarlette