Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidents' Day 2024

 We had an extended amount of time with Robert and Janet for President's Day weekend. Since the quilt retreat was going on, Robert came down early with Janet on Tuesday night. It happened to be the night that I was hosting the February birthday dinner for Relief Society sisters at my house. Once that was over, then I had time to play. 

And play we did! I can't even count how many games we played. Lots of them. Day and night. It was a lot of fun. Janet quilted. I did take care of some other Relief Society responsibilities and visits. And Mike got stuff done, too. But games were the focus. And eating out on occasion. Robert Janet mom and I went out on Friday morning for breakfast. Mike was doing a shift at the temple for somebody on that morning. But Robert and Janet took Mom out other times, too. Unfortunately, Janet got sick on Saturday night and came down with a cold. Mike and I left on Sunday while they were at church. Well, Janet was still here resting. But it was so fun to spend so much time just hanging out together. 

Robert was showing Mom the "Slime" she got in her Valentine's Day Goodie Bag. Her expression was funny ( but not caught on camera.)

On Valentine's day, we also went to Our House Assisted Living to attend the Valentine's Day party there. Complete with real champagne! It was hilarious. Mike actually drank a little plastic flute of champagne, thinking it was the most disgusting sparkling apple cider that he'd ever had. He just gulped it down cuz he didn't want to waste it. I took a few sips of it, too, trying to determine what flavor the pink color was supposed to be. It was just nasty. Then Robert went to go get some for mom because she thought it looked pretty and good. As he poured the little flute of drink for Mom, it foamed up and he slurped the foam up before it ran over and spilled. And then he came back and told Mike, " that is real champagne." ( Well, California " champagne " anyway. Robert looked at the label.) We all got a good laugh out of it. Mike said he was slightly light-headed, and felt it burning down his esophagus. He came home and had a nap after.  Robert told us, That is the first time alcohol has ever crossed my lips." Aww, we spoiled his perfect record. Mom said it didn't count since it was just foam. 😉 

We did enjoy the nacho bar, the strawberries and chocolate fountain, though. And some fun questions to get to know each other better. Unfortunately, the photo booth decorations were falling down so we didn't take a picture.

That evening we  ( Mike and I ) went to see Eric in the play, " Wait Until Dark." He played Sam, the main character's mostly- absent photographer husband. He was only on stage for about 5 minutes total. It was a very nice production done by stage door productions at the St George electric theater.

Seth drove in late Friday night, fixed Caroline's car on Saturday, and then drove right back home and was home by Saturday night. It was a quick trip, but Mike and Seth did get to have lunch out together.

Fun and extended Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day weekend!

And now I have a Tablecloth for February :-)

It's BEES! AND hearts!

Quick Vernal Trip

 It wasn't for a GOOD reason, but we had some good visits with families. We stayed with Joe Maestas. 

We left Sunday after a  9:00 a.m. church meeting. We returned to Cedar by 6:30 pm Monday, Presidents' Day Feb 17.

And I forgot to bring home ABE for the weekend?!?!!??!? 

Sally was really broken up, understandably so. We hope she gets the help and support she needs during the coming days, weeks and months. She only has "2 brothers and one sister left," she commented to her oldest daughter. 

We did get to visit with family-- and friends ! We visited with Lynn and Gary Kendall) at the Sunday evening viewing.  I am beginning to lean toward calling this a 'visitation' because that is what people come to do-- visit with family. Only Mike attended the Monday morning viewing with Family Prayer, and I went with Joe to the funeral. None of us stayed beyond that. No cemetery burial or visit, no luncheon, just a quick change of clothes and on the road again. We had really good weather for February. Just one snow shower each way, no hazardous roads. It was nice. And we listened to audio books each way.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Mike's Marginalization


Mike.                                Linda

Sometimes we go waking together. This morning we actually got out in nice mild weather ( especially for February!) AND before the wind kicked up. 

We both have Android phones and use the Google Fit app to track our steps, distance, etc. ( I know!  I know! Aren't we just so technically adept?!)

We walk right next to each other, same pace. I understand that there will be SOME differences because of our ages, height and weight differences. Possibly goals. It all has to be input into the "Fit" system. 

But Mike feels absolutely marginalized because I get my points, but he only gets HALF as many points as I do (sometimes even less) and he feels it's discrimination because he's an old, fat, male Republican. 


He feels he should sue. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Old age and forgetting


Proof positive that Mom and I are both getting really old. 

I went to pick her up for Sunday dinner yesterday evening. Normally, I just stop at the front door and she parks her walker inside the front room area of Our House, and walks out with minimal assistance. She hops in my car, we go to my house, and she uses dad's walker that is here. 

This particular day, though, there was a lot of traffic with cars and people coming and going, so I didn't get to pull up to the front door. I parked in the lot.  I walked to the lobby area and she hadn't come down yet, so I went upstairs and we came down in the elevator together. Then we just walked out the door with her walker, to my car where I loaded her walker into the backseat and we had a lovely evening together at my house having meatloaf and potatoes and vegetables. And we even played an abbreviated version of Push the Dummy after dinner. ( Our first hand took THIRTY MINUTES!!) 

When I drove Mom home after the dinner, I pulled up to the front door of Our House Assisted Living, and stepped inside to grab her walker so she could take it in. But her walker was not there! Neither one of us remembered that it was in the car. It was just out of the norm. It's not what we expected! We were confused. I sat her down on a chair in the lobby so I could go in search of it, but I'd go bring in her food, first. I decided that I'd better check the backseat of the car. Yep. That's where it was. So I wheeled it in with her leftovers. Then she walked over to where the mail cart was to check for her mail. I went back out to the car. But then I remembered that she has a package coming with some new pants that she had ordered, so I ran back in to remind her to watch for that package. And she looked at me so confused and said, "What is my room number!?" She couldn't remember! Luckily, I did remember that. She just shook her head and said, I was looking in the 100s. Her room number is 211. 

What are we going to be like years from now? Scary thought, huh?