Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ending February

 We did a few exciting things to finish out the month.

It's been warm and dry, so we did a little yard clean up. 

Some daffodils popped up! 

Just two, so far. We hope more to come.

I posted this on Facebook with the caption, "Oh Edvard! It's the last Pumpkin!" It's in reference to Ed and Muench's fairly famous and well-known painting, "The Scream". Just me being silly.

I got one more Grandma Autrey quilt FINISHED. Binding and all.

Just a few more to go. Yay!

Mike is going to be working on some tile backsplashes at Boyd and Carol Fife's home in New Harmony. This is the view from their bedroom window.  It's the five fingers of Kolob.
I truly love this view.

We said goodbye to our little Red Mitsubishi Outlander Sport.
Traded it in for a white Subaru Outback. Far less miles, way newer.

This Sunday, we will be praying for snow in our record low snowfall, extremely dry southern  mountains. We need moisture SO badly!

Mom had a fall late Tuesday night, early Wednesday. But she's okay! Here she is playing cards we me and Mike on Friday after dinner at our house. Not "Our House."