Friday, October 11, 2019

2019 New York

 New York with the Burnetts. Sunday afternoon they took us on a drive to see their "Camp."  It is up in the area where Dale was born and raised. Above is the little white one-room school house that he attended.

 On their property, they had a screen house built. They had it built very VERY tight to keep bugs out. They enjoy it lots for camping and visiting while fixing up the house proper. The photo below of the house is sideways and I can't really switch it here. Sorry.  It's old, a work in progress and they enjoy the time spent here, fixing it up to enjoy together with their family.
 Here's a view of the fire pit from inside the screen house.

 The camp house is up there, past the truck and past the trees.   They love this area, and I can see why.  There are hikes and hills and blueberries and many memories.
 The sideways view of the side of the house.
 Lovely BRIGHT red dahlia flowers growing outside the house.
 Mike and Dale and Irene.  An out building to hold their tools, etc.
 Another out building to hold other stuff. ha. There is no electricity or plumbing in this camp house. So it is truly "camping" when up there. Last year they went up in the winter to install their wood-burning stove because they got a NEW wood burning stove for their regular house. It is beautiful and bright and shiny. The old one? not so much. ha.  I didn't take photos of the interior and all their hard work, but I was pretty impressed with what they'd done.
The Sunday Evening gathering at the Burnett's home. Kids, neighbors, friends.

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