Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Women's Hike, Silver Rim 9/14/2014

 Lovely day, sunshine, sand, red rocks, sagebrush and cactus. Friends, a couple of dogs. What could be nicer, right?

We hiked up and down, around and over. Then back again. Pine Valley mountains are in the far distance.

I believe that land formation is "The Silver Reef". Just guessing here.

Blue skies, red rock, gray/blue sage brush, pinions and shadows.

Cool cliffs.
A very rocky trail.  One Must look where you're walking! 

But we do stop to look up at purple mountain majesty and layers of haze from CA fires.

And, yes
 We hiked in the desert.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ahhhh, time to prop my feet up

 Fourteen quarts of peaches done today.

But wait! There's more!!!☹️

I also donated blood this morning, did all the laundry, had a Relief Society meeting with a couple of Sisters who now have my old calling in RS.
Now I really AM going to chillax. And not watch the Presidential Debate between Trump and Harris. I watched the Biden /Trump one and that's about all I can handle, I'm afraid. 

Drone show

 We drove to St George on Monday night to see their first-ever Dixie Days Drone Show. It started at 9 pm, they were punctual and it lasted 18 minutes. It elicited ooohs and aaahhs, not quite on the scale of fireworks. More like, "Wow. that's really cool!" It was rather calming and pretty. And pretty impressive. So enjoyable that I mostly forgot to take photos, but here's a few.

Covered wagon. The wheels turned and it changed colors.

The state with a "Heart of Dixie". The straight lines were SO straight! 

An Eagle that moved through flight motions.

Fun stuff! We were home shortly after 10 pm and I pretty much just flopped into bed.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September 2024

 We helped celebrate some Little Liebhardt August and September birthdays this past weekend In Herriman. Aug 27 Rachel turned 10; September 29 Logan turns 8.

So many little cousins, and all of them were not there!

We also tended for Nick and Kaylee so they could take the older two to a Piano Guys concert Saturday evening. 
Church on Sunday at noon with them. It was the Children's Sacrament Meeting presentation. Nicely done!
Then a 5 pm family party with Dinner, gifts and ice cream. 
We drove home Sunday night.