Monday, March 5, 2018

March came in like a lion. 2018

March 2018 definitely came in like a lion. We did have some serious winds, like about 60 mph gusts. And I rode my bike? Yep.

It was not horribly cold, however. It was the warm before the storm.

We did get a bit of snow on Saturday night, but only a couple of inches. We have, as a stake, been praying and fasting for the needed moisture in this area. We really have not had adequate snow for this season. We trust and have faith that more will come. We would like for it to come in the mountains.

Another calm before the storm is the change with Mike's work. He was told last week that his construction and carpentry classes will be discontinued as of the end of this school year. That just means that Mike will retire in May after school is out. New changes to come. I shall begin my "Honey-do" list at once.  😊

We really have had "The summer list of things to do" each year, posted on the side of the metal filing cabinet, and many of those things have rolled over from year to year. Maybe, just maybe, list items will be completed in a more timely manner. ? Really?
I will not hold my breath.

Mike's Mom did ask us on Sunday what our summer vacation plans were. We do not have any. Perhaps she has some plans for us. We tend to be "fly by the seat of our pants" kind of people.  Mike has a fishing trip with his boys at the end of May for a week or so in Vancouver, British Columbia. That's enough vacation money spent in one summer, I think.  Plus a couple of cars to pay for. Yeah, I think we will stay close to home. A "Stay-cation" actually sounds rather nice.

I noticed this morning that deer have eaten off the early tulip leaves in my front flower bed. Darn deer. We may never be able to have a garden again as there is no way to keep them out of my back yard.  Perhaps I had better put "Build a DEER-PROOF gate for back yard" first  on the "Summertime list of things to do."

Photo from Google Images, but it looks just like the tulips that were turned into snacks in my front yard.

I had such a lovely stay-at-home weekend March 3-4. I cooked!  I made two batches of soup and two pies. I did Two batches of dishes, dinner, and did six loads of laundry and changed our difficult-to-change bed all by myself. I even shopped a little, went to the post office and mailed two parcels, cleaned one oven, visited one neighbor (they got one pie) and delivered one birthday gift to a dear friend and neighbor. And even watched one movie "Ladies in Lavender." We need not dwell on the stuff that did not get done.

Friday evening, we had a nice visit with some nephews and their families as they were passing through town. Twin grand-nephews, actually. Cole and Colt Anderton from Vernal. They were coming home from a Disneyland trip with the rest of their family (Mom, Dad, Sister and family).  Cole and Rachel have three boys; Colt and Jamey have two girls. Cute kids ranging from 11 to 7. We ate pizza at Grandma's house, after picking it up at "The Pizza Cart" Restaurant. There wasnt enough seating all together, so we just brought it to her house, cleared off the dining table, pulled out a couple of leaves and enjoyed a nice, casual dinner together. They are such  nice families! Cute kids. And, no, no one thought to take a photo. !! And we all have these lovely cameras (phones) in  our hands and pockets practically ALL the time. Duh.

So, if March came in like a lion, according to the Farmer's Almanac, it should go out like a lamb.  Well, we shall see.

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