Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas 2018

 Most of these pictures are out of order, but all took place between December 22 and 26, 2018.
Donna's family came to visit!  They stayed with us, and so did Gail's family. We had a full house.
Butch and Donna and family arrived at our house on Saturday evening, after a VERY long day of travel.  Donna said she was up at 3:30 am that day. Yikes. That's a long day of traveling for sure!

 We had a lovely Christmas dinner together in the living room and in the kitchen (below)
 Gail and Seth and family were in Cedar by Sunday evening. They had been in Richfield with Seth's family.  We played games together

Fun times, playing Games. This one was "Heads Up," an iPhone app game.. It was hilarious and loud and funny.

Eric is showing Elizabeth and Donna the Grandma Autrey quilt blocks I have.

Angela and Mike, Christmas morning.
And of course, we have to have the silly "orange peel" smiles.  I did have our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of "Vegan Cassarole."  It is anything BUT vegan, as it is full of eggs, sausage and cheese. But we do have fruit on the side. Poor Jonathan was sad that we didn't get to open gifts right when he woke up.  Nope, breakfast first and it wasn't until 9 am!!  Mike drove over to pick up his Mom and she joined us for Breakfast and for gifts.

Most of us had on some sort of Christmas attire--a holiday shirt, some Christmas Socks, a piece of jewelry.  But Mike was just wearing an ordinary gray shirt, so he opted for the Christmas Oven Mitt look.

We drove around on Christmas Eve and looked at lights. Mike and I managed to get lost and separated from the other two cars.  But it was fun, anyway. There are some night displays and one computerized out out in Enoch.

We teased Gail about her short "Tyranosaurus Rex Arms."  We really did try to keep the cards and "draw" piles close to her, but mostly we just passed her cards. ha.

Grandma snoozed during the evening visits after church on Sunday and after dinner.

Elizabeth is showing Jonathan some tips and tricks with Pokeman. Or something.

Sunday evening after dinner.

Welcoming Gail's family on Sunday afternoon.

Today is the 28th.  I'm at work. It is SO COLD and snowy. We only have a few inches, but it is way below freezing. I'm glad I'm inside where it's warm.  These are views out the front door of the library.
 You can't see the flakes, probably, but it's coming down pretty good.  The temp is 19 degrees fahrenheit, feels like 9 degrees AND the low tomorrow morning will be 9.  BRRR.  Yes, I drove the car to work today.

There is lots of construction going on to the left (above). I can hear their trucks and lifts beeping and such. Much of the building is shrouded in plastic as they are laying brick and have to keep the mortar from freezing.

Donna's and Gail's families left our house on Wednesday the 26th when it wasn't terribly snowy. Yet. They all headed up north to meet up with other family. Katie and her family were in Salt Lake that night and they looked at lights at Temple Square.

Rossman Family at Temple Square

Caroline, Gail and Katie in the Tabernacle

Casey with Hailey

Corbin, Hayden and Jonathan

Katie and Quintin

Katie and her family will spend some time in Cedar City with Casey's family and with us. (We're meeting today for lunch at my house.)  Donna's family will leave from Salt Lake on Saturday and I'm not really sure when Gail and her crew leaves for Elko--probably Saturday, maybe Friday. 

I am so glad they all got to see each other and spend time together, here and there. I'm glad we got to spend time with as many as we did--without even having to leave home!  I'm not sure if Donna's family met up with Katie's family while in Salt Lake or not, but I know that the Ashwoods were in Provo, with Robert and seeing all those Autrey's. And there's a lot of them now!  Tiffany is back at Robert's house with her little Noah.  Hopefully the Ashwoods were able to connect with all of Robert and Janet's family.  Oh, wait.  Katie did text me on Thursday to say they were having dinner at Robert's house before driving down to Cedar City (in the snow--at night!!), so Ashwood's were probably there, too.  Katie did text me that night at 11 pm (Thursday evening) to let me know they'd made it to Casey's brother's house in Cedar. Whew. Nasty roads to be driving in the dark.  Grateful they had a safe trip. It is a good thing that Katie and her family are used to snow.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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