Sunday, September 1, 2019

August 2019. Rachel Turns Five

 Nick and Kaylee, fixing a nice big family dinner for Sunday the 24th of August.

 Jane. 4 months.

 Mike spent a lot of time lying down. He was still feeling a bit "off" due to the stent placement from kidney stone extraction earlier in the month.  He had it (the stent) removed the following Tuesday . Whew! What a relief.

 Logan is very good with throwing and catching balls. This purple one seems to be a favorite. I was surprised he didn't throw it over the fence.

 Rachel opening presents. Her Aunt Robin crocheted this nice winter hat.
 She received a lot of craft projects. Kaylee said, " That's Rachel! That's what she does-- climbs trees and does crafts." When her Christensen cousins started to arrive, she was climbing a tree. One of Kaylee's brothers actually was concerned about how high up she was and came to find Nick. Nick said, "No, she goes that high all the time." And she gets down!

 She and a cousin used the vines on the wall to "decorate" the trunk of the pine tree.

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