Friday, May 8, 2020

Laura Wright, RIP

Laura passed away from cancer on April 21, 2020. She was miserable for a very long time and David was her loving caregiver for the duration.

As Laura went on hospice care her last week, family was notified. Two of Laura's sisters and a brother with his wife came just in time to have a touching sendoff with laughter, tears and songs around her sick bed. I'm sure Laura knew they were there, though mostly unresponsive. They stayed for a couple of days, then left him on his own.

Robert and I traveled there and spent a week with David. No one should have to go through something like this alone. There was no service, no finality,  no closure. But we did have a good visit. David has an amazing memory. We did some sorting and organizing and cleaning. We did a bit of yardwork, too. David gave us a tour of his property. It was a pretty low-key visit. I am so glad we went. I made most of the meals. I think David was amazed at how much Robert and I can eat.

The Las Vegas airport was like a ghost town. We wore masks in the airport and on our plane. There were Not very many people on the plane. Social distancing was practiced.

We were in Texas from Sunday to Sunday. 

Cute doggie sheets. They do love their dogs.
First position , first exercise in Yoga, David style.

Marilyn and Myron Tingey.

Comparison shot.
Robert(left)  David (right)

 Paintings and Photos adorn ALL of the walls in abundance.

Damian and Tandy sent flowers.

It was hot outside. 90 and more.

 Back porch after Robert did a cleaning job.
Long grass and trees and forest creeping up to the house. They have grown up so far as to obscure the far away views of Ft. Worth.

This just made me laugh.

Wildflowers in the pastures while on our walk down the road.

Ah, the "Autrey Glow".

Las Vegas Airport, Ethel M's.

Empty Security.

Empty curbside drop off area.

I left the bunnies at home to keep Mike company.

The painting on the bedroom wall(top left) is one that Berenice did. 

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