Sunday, May 22, 2022

Saturday on the old town trolly

 After we kind of slept in, Mike, Jonathan and I grabbed some breakfast ( waffles!) And ordered an Uber, headed to our Metro stop and rode it down to the City Center area. 

We are rather comical. I have no interior compass or sense of direction, so Jonathan helped us out a lot. I can look at Google maps and love to use it for navigating, but if I'm on foot and North is the map orientation, my body just cannot make it work! 

This is how we go:


We ended up at the Trolly store in enough time to look at Souvenirs, cool off in the AC, walk around some buildings, get a cool lemonade ( me & Mike) or icy cold shake  (Jonathan) at the Hard Rock Cafe and then board our open-air Old Town Trolly. Which might have been nice on any other day BUT the hottest day of the year. Yowch. SO uncomfortable. 

The trollies don't do much of the "Hop on, Hop off" any more. One and a half hours of narrated driving tour with one stop at Lincoln memorial. We enjoyed it. The narrator was really nice. And comical.

St Patrick's Cathedral nearby our Trolly stop .

Near Ford's Theater. Plus I loved this old style architecture. French?

Jonny with a fancy shake. We NEEDED cold drinks.
We stopped to take photos at the Navy Memorial.

"Past is Prologue" statue is behind me, dogwood flower s next to me. In front of the National Archives(?)

Navy Memorial

Floor map in granite at Navy Memorial. Jonathan and I are standing on DC.

Navy Medicine plaque. Go Navy!

Onward to the Trolly tour.
Jonny got a good shot of the Capitol building from the bus.

After we stopped at the Lincoln Met, Mike strolled around the Korean War Memorial whiled Jonathan and I lounged on the cool grass in the shade.

That's the Washington Monument there in the background. The Mall and memorial s were crowded and filled with people.
Getting up the stairs to the Lincoln memorial was tricky-- we had to  hunt for a pathway through people sitting in the shade. Like I said-- it was HOT.

Here's a few shots of us at the Lincoln. I laid on the marble floor for 5 minutes, I was so hot.

Mike and I stood there and read Lincoln's entire second inaugural address, which is engraved on the North wall; Gettysburg address is on the south wall. It's really a lovely memorial.

It's hazy and far away, but the Washington Monument is reflected in the pool there.

We took some time at the WW II memorial to enjoy the cooling water. And Mike waited in the shade nearby on a bench. 

Fountains and more fountains.

And monuments. And HOT granite to walk on! Ouch! He put his shoes on quickly.

The goal was to have a "tiny" Johnny by the Utah pillar...

  Then a "medium" Johnny by the Wyoming pillar...

And a "biggest" Jonathan next to his present state of Nevada pillar.

And so we did!

This was such an incredibly HOT and humid day. We were miserable. We sought shade whenever and where ever we could. We tried to stay hydrated.

When the Trolly returned us to it's place, we had a late lunch at Chipotle.
When we returned to Lisa and James' home, they had some burgers and hot dogs for a cookout. 
Retired after a game of Canasta and a shower.
I think I had salty, gritty eyebrows from my heavy sweating during the day.
 Whew! We are looking forward to a restful Sabbath day.

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