Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Dad's "Graduation"

 My Dad passed away on Wednesday June 1st. I was able to go and be with Mom for dad's last 5 hours. We sat by his bedside, talked, visited. But it wasn't until mom and I went to rest lay down on her bed and chat together that he actually left. We were grateful that he was relieved of the pain and discomfort of his aged old body. I'm sure his spirit is jumping for joy. And I kind of think that he leapt right out of his body, as I heard quite a loud noise just before he passed. Kind of like a big jolt in the bed. But whatever the case, we know he is happy and content where he is now.  I had given my siblings a heads up a day or so before and we were beginning to gather. David arrived from Texas a mere five minutes after Dad died. He probably passed David in the parking lot. Robert & Janet came and were here to be with Mom by late afternoon.

It is our turn, now, to adjust to a different life. A life without dad. I know it will be difficult for Mom in some ways, but it will be easier in many others. She has been a long time caregiver for Dad since his stroke in 2012. The past few years were the most difficult, with dementia increasing and his physical health decreasing. Her physical health is decreasing as well. You know you are weak when you can't even open to ketchup bottle!. Haha

We had his funeral and burial in Provo and Bluffdale. We opted to do that since all of my children were going to have to travel, most of them long distances in order to be there. And it was only me and Mom here in Cedar. Robert's Ward was kind enough to host in their building, and the Camp Williams Veterans cemetery took care of his burial.

The thing that was most complicating, however, it was that three of us tested positive for covid the day before the funeral! Donna, mom, and me. Three key players. We made an executive decision NOT to cancel it, but to move forward. Donna and Mom were going to watch the funeral services on the live stream provided by the funeral home. That was decided when only two were covid  positive. Then when I tested positive, too, well! What do you do then? We just decided that since Mom did not want to miss dad's funeral and it made her so sad to think of missing it, that we would just mask up, double mask, use lots of hand sanitizer, social distance where we could, and hope for the best. And that is what we did. Mom and Donna did not feel really sick. They felt like they just had a head cold. Maybe a bit of a cough and a scratchy throat. I on the other hand on Tuesday was a symptomatic. I did not have any symptoms. I did cry a lot, as most of us did. Especially me and Donna. We are really boobs. But, dark glasses and masks helped a lot of that. :-) I thought the funeral went well. Robert and Donna did a great job with their talks. I was satisfied with mine. The whole funeral service only lasted a half an hour, which was the best news of all because we needed to be out at Camp Williams before 2:00 p.m. we made it. The burial went smoothly. Their grandsons did a lovely job as pall bearers, and Janet Autrey single-handedly pulled off an immense luncheon for about 50 of the family members who joined us afterwards. 

All of our children were there. Only Nick and Gail had children with them, and Caroline was missing because she also tested positive for covid and opted to stay home in Cedar City. But Nick and his four children were there along with Kaylee. Damian and Katie and Eric all came alone. All of Robert's family was there. All of Donna's family was there. And my brother David was there. So as far as family is concerned, it was a great turnout. Our cousin Keith Autrey came from back east. We were very happy to see him.  Our cousin Sandi was here with Aunt Tuny. It was good to see them. And some of Mom and Dad's closest friends from Missouri and folks they knew from Georgia we're here, as well. She was so happy to see them. Being sick meant there was social distancing and no hugs given, and that was kind of hard. But at least we got to see half of their faces, know that they cared for Mom, and felt loved.

Riding in the back seat, in comfort. Up and back in one day is hard. We had a "COVID Car" (mine) for transportation.

Donna and Mom with funeral director( from Rome!)


Lots of lovely flowers

Camp Williams

Donna & Mom

Nick and Kaylee with kids and cousins

Jonathan, Seth & Gail Owens

Donna Ashwood, Damian Liebhardt

Gail, Damian, Mike, Katie, Nick (Emily)


Aunt Tuny & Sandi Lance

Those were mostly photos from my phone, but kids took more and better ones I mai include later.
I really could have used this on tuesday. Of course, it came in today's mail. This is my Avon wash off waterproof mascara. I have been out of it for months. It was available only by signing up to be on a wait list. I have been missing it for a long time and I'm so glad to get it. Too bad it's a day late.

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