Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! And the Science of it all

 Ever wonder what happens when glo-sticks break and leak? Well, WE know now! Nick's kids have been wanting to do this experiment for a very long time. Fun times at the Liebhardt home, and we are happy to accommodate the furthering of scientific knowledge.

The formula is not oily, because it's heavier than water. It doesn't dissolve in water, but can stick together. By spoonfuls!

Just a spoon full of. . . . We are not quite sure. Bioluminesce of some kind, only CHEMICAL, not bio. 

MOST of the glow sticks remained intact.

Nick is stirring it into the glass of water. 

Nick is emptying out the broken one into a glass. The napkin he and Kaylee used to wipe off the stick is in the sink to Nick's left. It's VERY bright. The only lights on in the kitchen are on the Christmas tree in the corner.

The dark, window-less bathroom was where the first splatter happened. It's on the floor, on the toilet seat cover, on the rack of towels and washcloths. ( Those were later washed.)

And our kitchen sink after the EXPERIMENT was completed looked like a miniature far away Galaxy.

Sparklers with Nick's Family.  Emily nid NOT like the booming big fireworks going off over at the high school.

Rachel and Caroline worked on a jig saw puzzle.

Logan in his elf costume. So cute, even though he looked mad for the photo.

And Emily wanted her picture taken in front of the tree, too.

Nick's family arrived around 6 pm Sunday evening. We played games, had some snacks, the kids played with toys and played games with us. Rachel's learning Boggle, and Logan caught right on to Bears and Bees! 

Happy New year! 

Saturday evening, Dec 30, Gail's family dropped in to spend the night. They were gone ( heading to a family party in Joseph) by the time I came home from Church Sunday morning New Years Eve. We played some New Years Eve EVE games together.

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