Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wildflowers on the Fourth of July

Gail and Eric at Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah. July 4, 2008

We looked at a different sort of fireworks on our July 4 holiday. We decided to drive up to Cedar Breaks National Monument and see the wildflowers. Mike and I took Gail and Eric. I took my camera. Gail took the following pictures. We think they are rather spectacular. We also took a little detour to the Bristlecone Pine trail at the summit of Cedar Mountain on the way home. I have had "Hike the Bristlecone Pine Trail" on my list of things to do before I die for quite a few years now. It just always seems like we are in a hurry to get somewhere, or the weather's not nice or something is not "just so," so I'd never taken the time to do it. It's s a very very short walk, probably measured in hundreds of yards, rather than miles. The overlook at the end of the trail is pretty, but I forgot to take pictures of that (the Zion overlook). And the weather was perfect on this particular day, the timing couldn't have been better. I did take LOTS more pictures than what I've posted here.
So, enjoy! Gail will be using her COPYRIGHTED photos to design and produce note cards. See them on her blog entry ( in days to come ;-)

1 comment:

Donna said...

beautiful pictures... reminds me of my spring pictures, although mine aren't as drastic of a color combo as the mountain flowers... pretty... I'm starting to feel Utah sick (a form of homesickness - even if it's not home)