Sunday, September 10, 2017

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Thursday, I took some time off in the morning to go get a hair cut. Same-old, same-old. [but my selfie skills are improving!]



This is my knee with a little hole in it.  I actually fell down at work last week.  So very embarrassing.  I was just getting up out of a chair and tripped on my own foot/shoe. I went down about as fast as I was trying to go up. Thankfully, it was not to go help someone at the front desk, so there were no witnesses. I said in stunned pain, "Ow. That hurt," and got up.  But I did notice that many heads out in the lobby turned. I made a rather large noise when I hit the floor with my hands and knees.  I moved the little rolling desk I was sitting at, the chair banged and rattled, AND I dumped over empty iPad boxes that were stacked on the floor under the little desk, AND knocked over a pile of books and they hit the floor, too.  Like I said, "how embarrassing." I expected a large bruise to form, but it did not. Just a little skinned, carpet burn sort of teeny wound. Lucky me. (there was one witness--a student worker was sitting nearby and heard me go down, but didn't actually witness my stupidity and clumsiness)

On the day that I got my haircut, I also made an appointment to have my toenails painted after she was done with my hair. I seldom take the time to paint my nails because it takes a while for me to do it so they dry enough to not be smudgey. That was THE Best one dollar I've spent in a good long while. Yep, one dollar at Evan's Cosmetology College to have your nails just painted.  I didn't opt for the full pedicure treatment. Honestly, my heels and feet are in some of the best shape they've been in for a long time. I just filed the nails smoothly and evenly before I went. AND, she did it really fast!  15 minutes and I was out of there in my flip flops, drying them more thoroughly on the bike ride home. ha.  Or, rather, back to work.

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