Monday, October 22, 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018. San Antonio

Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday.
Among other things.  But Mike and I are on "vacation" so we slept in.  I heard Braeden come in to his bedroom around 7:30 or 8 am (and we were still in bed, though I was awake by then.  Their whole family was going to go clean the chapel because it was their turn. There should have been other families there to help, but there were not. I wish I would have just got up and got Mike up and gone and helped them.  There were supposed to be about 4 other assigned families. Little Liebhardt's were the only ones who showed up.

Ella had a soccer game that day.  She had to be at her field (No Where close to their home, but  I have no idea where we were-- Lady Bird Johnson Recreation Fields--). Lexi had a band competition that day at yet another stadium but it was fairly close to the Recreation center.  She had to be dropped off at 1-ish at her school.  So it was a "divide and conquer" kind of Day.  Tandy took Damian's truck and took Lexi to her school, which was where I thought the band competition was, but it was not.  It was at a school district stadium.  It's all so complicated. Damian took the rest of us with him to Ella's soccer field.  He'd never been there before. It's a huge recreation area with many fields.  We were prepared with camp chairs and jackets, but it was fairly mild and sometimes the sun even came out. For a minute or two.  But it was chilly when the sun went behind the clouds.

Ella's soccer game began at 1:30 and Tandy seemed to think she'd get there close to the time that the game started, and she was there fairly close to the beginning.  Ella's team (they are all about 10 and 11 years old) were ALL about 6 to 12 inches taller than the girls on the other team they were playing.  They played with ONE referee, which is highly unusual, but it happened anyway.  They played on a much larger field than they were used to playing on, AND the wind was an issue at times.  Oh well. Ella's team did win with a score of about 6 to 2 I think.

Ella didn't play goalkeeper, but she was warming up in that position.

After that, Eric had asked that we be able to eat at yet another Texas institution, that one being "Whataburger." They happen to be one of the sponsors of Lexi's marching band.  And the band thing was next; however, there were complications in that Damian had purchased some concert tickets quite some time ago with the intent of taking his whole family to an out door country music concert. Only it was at the same time as Lexi's competition and ( of course) clear across town.  We had come to see Lexi perform in the competition.  Damian didn't really want to waste all the tickets. So after we we all ate at Whataburger for a very late lunch at 3 pm (good burgers and fries), Damian took Ella and went to the concert in his truck and the rest of us went to the UIL Marching Band Competion at Heroes Stadium.  We stayed from about 3:30 to 6:30 and saw about 7 or so bands perform. They were all excellent. I closed my eyes that night as I was going to sleep and saw twirling flags of the many color guard kids we saw for those hours of competition. Flags and marching feet danced acrossed my eyelids as I tried to sleep that night.  They are amazing musicians and athletes.  Big bands, not-so-big bands, but all were pretty dang good. They do take it seriously here, you know. That and football.

So, Soccer and band. That filled up the day.  THEN Tandy had to bake about 200 cookies for primary children and their special guests for church the next day.  She'd promised that if they (Primary Children) brought a guest to the Primary Children's Sacrament Meeting Presentation, they would have a treat.  So Eric and I helped her with that.  Ella and Damian came back fairly late from the concert, as it got smokey and a bit too wild to have your 10 year old daughter at, so they left it early and yet were home later than us because of the drive, you know...and it started after we were out of the band competition, so it may have been possible to do both...but we were so tired and poor Tandy was hauling all of us around... Oh, their lives are so complicated and busy, it just exhausts me to even think about it.
Above: Eric and Tandy baking cookies. Do you even know anybody besides Tandy who owns two KitchenAid mixers??? I wish I would have taken a photo of all the finished cookies.  I think 215 was the final count. Or something close to that. And all perfect.

That night, I decided to take a little dip in the pool.  But only for about 5 seconds.  Just for fun and excitement.  Why not?  I had to wash my hair for church the next day, anyway. ;-)  Eric took a video. I'm sure he'll share if you ask him too. I actually jumped in twice. I'd handed my phone to Braeden to take a photo and when I got out, he said, "Oh! I missed it!"  So I did it again. Invigorating. Yes, the nice hot shower afterward felt delightful and I was ready to drop into bed. ZZZzzzz

The pool was 64 degrees F.
Final number of the evening, Claudia Taylor Johnson High School Marching Band. Go Jaguars!  Lexi's down there somewhere.

Outside Whataburger.  Why do they always look like this??? !!

That was a lot of musicians. Bus loads. Dozens of bus loads.

Sorry the pictures are out of order.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I don’t cook and own a kitchen aide mixer and I DONT cook. Ha! (*Target clearance)