Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018...trip to Springtown, TX

We drove up to Springtown, Texas today to have a visit with David and Laura. It was supposed to be rainy and flooding and we were kind of nervous about going on that drive. But it ended up being very pleasant. We only had light rain for the last hour and a half of our drive home.

It was overcast, we could see how many rivers and streams were running high, but the drive to their house was uneventful.

enjoying some time on the porch

David took me and Mike on a little tour of the property. There is something like SEAWEED growing on his ground!! It's green and kind of slimy, but definitely plant-like. At first glance, it looks dark like deer droppings and I was so puzzled as to why David would be picking up deer poop to show us. Weird.  But it is not poop, just green some kind of plant life.  All growing on what was one a coral reef, millions of years ago. That's a long time to be dormant.

Cactus, flowers, weeds and grass. And butterflies (below). Moths, little bitty ones, were fairly prevalent, too, as we tromped through the grasses.

Below.  At one point, the GPS would have it appear that we were a little "off route," or perhaps flying to our destination.  The road we were on was a new one, but we took it anyway (with directions from my phone's mapping app).

I think this pretty truck flower bed was in Marble Falls.

Green slime.

We were back at Damian's and Tandy's home by 8:30 pm or so. Way earlier than we thought we would be, but Laura does tire easily.  We enjoyed lunch together, enjoyed our visit, they stuffed us with a gourmet cupcake, too.  And then we headed home. 

And guess who was there?

Eric!  He flew in today and Tandy and Ella picked him up at the airport.  I've known for a while now (because he accidentally let it slip while talking to Isie at our house one day about it--forgetting that I was in the next room!), but Mike was totally surprised. He did not surprise Tandy and family. Eric made arrangements with them a long time ago when he found this really great deal on a ticket from LAS to SAT.  

We are looking forward to seeing a "Friday Night Lights" football game, plus a competition for Lexi. No soccer for Ella or Braeden (cancelled due to rain).

1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like you are having a GREAT time!