Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Post Superbowl, and now it's February!

I don't know what I've been up to lately, other than just watching an entire 4 seasons of one little show on BYU-TV called Hetty Feather. I liked it. It's like Anne of Green Gables, only in England in the late 1800's.

Wasted time. Oh well.  I didn't blog or write letters, but I did keep caught up on Donna's blog and adventures in Germany. 

I cooked on one Saturday that I was home all day. Cheese Enchiladas. Homemade Bread (just a loaf in the bread maker). Italian Sausage Soup. Cornbread muffins.

We went to Music Arts last night (AND "Bread and Soup Night" before that!) and listened to some very talented Scottish musicians. It was a string Quartet and some of their sounds were AMAZING. I could hear a hint of bagpipes in some of their folk music, and horns in some others.  They were very good. I only dozed off once. ha.

At work, I tend to have a lot of meetings to attend. Two newer committees. One will be over soon, but one other will be ongoing and hard work. I think I'll try and bow out of some of the other committees I'm on. Maybe. I like knowing what's going on in the Staff Association, but I think I'll bow out of that one. I don't get to do any Legislative stuff as any sort of liaison, and I don't do much of anything else with the Tobacco Free initiative stuff. Maybe I'll update the SA website for legislative representatives and stuff first, then retire from that responsibility.  And I'm about ready to be done with ULA stuff, too. I can do that till I retire for real, I suppose, and train someone to take my place perhaps.  I know I have to be on the ILS RFP one till it's over.  So many abbreviations. Ick.

Today, I took the morning off because I have way too much leave accrued and have to use it or lose it.  I was going to just kind of loaf...sad, but true. Maybe read a book.  But, I ended up shoveling snow, working on Rental lease/scans and stuff,

and this!  Catching up.

When we went to bed last night, Mike said, "I hope we get two feet of snow!"  And we just about did. It snowed over a foot during the night and was still snowing off and on during the morning. That's about an inch or more of water for our little desert. :-)   We need water around here, and this is how we get it.  One fluffy foot at a time.

It a bit hard to see just what light is lit, eh?  It was red. I drove Eric to work, as Mike was off trying to get his snow blower running at his Mom's house. But she didn't have power, and it's an electric start blower that you have to plug in to start. Oh well.  Eric and I shoveled off our driveway so we could get the car out. I hope power is back on at Berenice's house.  The north end of town was out, and some of the south end, but ours was fine. And there was power at the University.  Good thing I had power. My wood for the wood-burning stove is under a foot of snow outside.  I hope Mike goes and checks on his Mom again before long. 

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