Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 3, 2019

Logan is watching for the ball to come back down out of the tree.

Caroline, Ella jumping, Rachel.

Ella can throw!

And throw and throw and throw!  She eventually got it down. After getting one other stuck up there in the bushy tree. All balls are now down.

Fun after dinner on Wednesday evening at our house.  Nick's family, Gail's family (minus Seth), Eric, Damian's family and Pam.

Jonny and Braeden watching video stuff in bunkbed room.

Logan can really dribble! He is good an he loves balls. All balls. It's one of his favorite words, too.

Nick's family and I went to Lake at the Hill here in town for a few windy hours on Wednesday. We paddled a kayak and stand up paddleboard. It was fun, though very VERY windy.

I thought Rachel was laying under this towel. Maybe. Maybe not. Just don't step on it just in case!

The water was lovely.

That evening after dinner, we went to the Greenshow at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. The littles actually sat and watched the whole show. Mike even went and enjoyed it.

Mike and Nick are wearing matching t-shirts! They are from a fun run last year.

Going for a walk in the evening to the school playground.

Smiley Jane.

Playing cars with Dad. Our house is SO crowded with stuff from Grandma Liebhardt's house. Bags and boxes and piles all around. Much should disappear after this weekend as folks come and take things home. And as we deliver some to relatives up north when we go up there for Jane's baby blessing on July 7 in Kearns.

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