Friday, October 11, 2019

2019 Quebec City with the Burnetts

Yeah, we got lost.  A LOT. But it was fun. I got to drive.  We asked for directions. We saw the Citadel. We found a statue of a relative of the Burnetts, Louis Hebert, who helped found the City of Quebec. Our Citadel tour guide, Yo, was a delight and had beautiful English. Our tour was cold and downright chilly, but we learned a lot and had a nice time.
 Overlooking the St. Laurence River
 St. Michel's catholic church where we stopped to ask directions from a nice gentleman who was sitting, reading his car in the church parking lot. Thankfully, he spoke English and told us how to get inTO the old city. We'd missed it. ha. But we drove through some charming neighborhoods in the meantime.

 Statues of martyrs. The one just to the right of the cross was spotted by Dale when we were on the highway below. He knows, because Dale said, "He was waving at me when we drove by!"
THAT's the Old City, way in the distance.   Wrong -Way Linda. That's my name. ;-)

 A Canadian Crossing Guard!  I took that one for Gayela while stopped at a light.

 On our tour of the Citadel and museum, we learned of a mascot GOAT. Above. Me and Mike.

 An armoury
 A captured gun.
 The door to the armoury.
 Barracks. It's still an active military base/station.
 Cool ariel view of the star-shaped Citadel. No blind spots for cannons.  A strong fortress that was never really used AS a fortress as never were any shots fired in defense of Canada. Or even England, who built it.

 Canons, residences, etc.
 The top of a famous hotel in the distance. 600 rooms. Here is a Wikipedia picture of the WHOLE thing.  It's big. Hotel Chateau Frontenac.
Château Frontenac towers above Old Quebec's Lower Town, situated atop the promontory of Quebec.

 Mike likes guns. All kinds.

A jail for the "Bad Soldiers", as Yo said.

This was an amazing trip with Dale and Irene Burnett. We so loved hearing their stories, we hope they might have enjoyed a few of ours, too. It was so much fun to share time together.  After we left Quebec City, we headed down the freeway toward Montreal, hoping to find a hotel. It wasn't an easy task!  There are not a lot of towns that we could see...and my phone was a big fat FAIL with data, etc. So we just trudged until we came upon one and took it.  Mike and I ended up in a rather large and expensive suite and at that point, Mike was so tired and grumpy he didn't care.  We'd stopped somewhere earlier (Irene is diabetic and it was getting late and we all needed food) and had a bite to eat at a Tim Harvey or something. I had soup--NOT donuts. Well, I did buy a brownie for dessert. I think that chain is kind of like what Kneader's is.  Sort of.

I took pictures of some of the signs in the church building to try and figure out what those rooms were. I've yet to look any up on Google Translate. What do you think? I could figure out the RS room and Distribution Center . . . Chapel... but not these.

The next day, we drove on in to Montreal. We stopped to see the temple, wandered through the Stake Center on the property looking for the distribution center (found it) and then they dropped us off at the airport.
Mike headed off to Salt Lake City and I headed off to Georgia.

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