Saturday, October 3, 2020

October 3, 2020

 While Mike was celebrating his birthday in Vernal with his siblings (Thursday the 1st through Sunday October 4), some of our children happened to be in town and were able to spend time with their siblings! We had a busy afternoon. Katie and Casey are in southern Utah to do some work and service. I tended their twins in the afternoon on Saturday so they could work on cleaning out a storage unit for someone in Casey's family. The Twins and I had a lot of fun, blowing bubbles, throwing balls, playing with Marbleworks, hopscotch on the front sidewalk,  having snacks. I also did laundry and cleaning. Then they all had to rush of to a nephew's baseball game. And very soon after they left later  in the afternoon, Nick and his family drove over from Bryce Canyon where they had been hiking with friends all day.  We had dinner together on the front lawn, they kindly provided the pizza. And then when dinner was over, Katie and Casey came by with their whole family. They had been at the ballgame and out to eat with Casey's  brother's family. It was a busy evening of Little Liebhards on the front lawn! We had children swinging from the limbs of the tree, jumping off of the planter blocks, running up and down the street, chasing each other, throwing balls, kicking balls, playing with the hula hoop, playing hop scotch, eating apples, and it was just a lot of loud and noisy and happy fun. Nick and Kaylee and Katie and Casey got to spend some time together. I got to see seven of the 12 grandkids. Obviously, we don't do much Social distancing. But the cousins did have a good time. :-) I'm so glad they could all be here.

Someone always has to be a goof.

Casey's trying to have a conversation with Jane, .... but....
Jane's being a bit shy.
I think Rachel may have eaten about three apples.
This Quintin boy is a CHAMPION at hopscotch !!
Logan demonstrates his kicking skills.

There is a LOT going on in the photo above.
Swinging on the tree branch was popular.
Chasing balls and brothers and cousins was going on.

And Hula Hoops!

The ones below were taken earlier in the day while I was home with the twins. Just the three of us!

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