Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

It kind of looks like the Grinch stole Christmas at our house. But no. The gift is the Savior,  Light of the World. That's excellent enough. Soon we will have (parts of)  a new house. It will be a nice gathering place. Someday. 

I painted the living room yesterday.  Not bad for a novice.  

Its white. But it will be filled with things that are dark and tons of stuff to put back on the walls.

 I have been stressing about what to put on my walls. What to put back. What to change.  I really struggle with things like design and choice, not to mention color and space abs balance. However, all people who chime in and give solicited advice have talked about what do *I* like. What are my loves? What brings me joy? What makes me happy? 

Well, I love nature's beauty, and I love my family and I love the Savior.  So I think its very appropriate for me to replace, as in PUT BACK,  many of the things that were already in my living room. A painting done by a family member. A beautiful piece of art purchased by a loving family member-- on our honeymoon.  Family portraits.  And Jesus pictures.  And Books. Yeah, we love books.  A LOT. So the books stay, too. 

All that's left is furniture, and we definitely need a place to sit. Haha. And a place to sit and play the piano. It's been covered in plastic for such a long time. And we found out what cracked on the bottom back of the piano the last time I moved it. The bottom back exterior frame board pulled apart from the frame because the wheel turned and pushed the board. I guess the wheel should have been a stationary wheel when it was replaced, not a swivel one.

Merry Christmas from our torn up house to yours!


1 comment:

Donna said...

Merry Christmas to you too! I agree your wall decorating was fine before. Put it all back up. It all had meaning! Wish I were stateside and I would love to come paint, saw and move things with you!!