Friday, December 4, 2020

Thursday, Dec 3

 We stayed in and relaxed on Wednesday the 2nd. Used the spa in our room. Dried apples. Watched TV. Read. What had more Christmas movies. Shopped? Nope. Planned? Nope. 

Thursday we met Joel and Jane Dompier for lunch.

The rest of Thursady was more Food and Family.  We drove out to San Tan valley and met at Lesa and John's for dinner. Dahlia and her husband Clayton came, as did Massiel and Andre and their two girls. Such a fun family.  Such marvelous food . John smoked ribs and chicken.  Amazing. Add in glorious sides  and lovely conversation and it couldn't be beat.  We were home shortly after 9 pm. With doggie bags!  I think those were the best and meatiest and tenderest ribs I've ever had. And they have such a great home, smartly decorated.  Shes the one who took all of her Grandma Berenice's family history. She bought a huge armoire to put it in

 And it all fits! Except the journals which are elsewhere. She took us on a tour of their home and yard. John built an outside kitchen. They grow hydroponic plants; and recently he has taken up metal forging! Fun folks.

We missed seeing the other Linarte kids(Logan and Family), but he had to do surgery that evening and one of their kids had soccer. I didnt even know PA's could do surgery. He specializes from elbow to fingertips in orthopedic surgery. 

Lesa's home was decked out for Christmas. These were by her dining table.

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