Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Emily's Blessing +Texarkana Reunion

Mike and I drove up to Herriman on Sunday after church. Traffic was heavy! But we got there by shortly after 4 pm. The blessing was at 5 pm. Kaylee's two brothers, her dad and Mike participated. It was lovely, they did it in their home and their Bishop also attended. Kaylee prepared a really nice dinner for everyone afterward. We spent the night there and retired fairly early as we were tired from out drive. 

We spent most of Monday there, Mike mostly reading and napping. I tried playing with kids and sometimes successfully completed a game or so. I tried reaching out to see Aunt Tuny or Deb Ashdown. Neither one worked out. 

But, at 6 pm in Provo was our Texarkana reunion. Norma Conner hosted and there were close to 20 of us there. Such a fun gathering! In attendance:

Norma Conner, Martha and Darrel Reavis, Tim and Debbie Brown, Karen and Kimberly Green, Kim and Xiwei Evans, Lynn Reamer and 2 grown sons, Randy and Karen Evans, Aubrey and Mindy Conner. I think that's all. 

Great food, good company. But we had to leave close to 8 pm. And we did! However, at the gas station in Springville UT, I discovered I left my purse at Norma's house. Grrr. So back we went to get it. We didn't get home til 11:35 pm. We just dropped into bed.

XiWei and Karen Evans
Martha Reavis

Randy Evans
Norma Conner
An exhausted Norma Conner. I think she said she is 83 now.

Kim Evans

Darrel and Martha Reavis

Lynn's son, and Tim Brown

Kimberly and Karen Green

Mendy and Aubrey Conner

Zhi Wei on right, Lynn in yellow


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