Monday, January 17, 2022

Denver games, January 2022


We played "Silly Monkey, " a variation of "Old Maid. Actually the exact same game as Old Maid, but cuter animal cards.

We saw Hailey balance Dollar coins on her eyes while we played "31" together. A difficult game for a math- challenged granny. We lasted in Star Wars Monopoly longer than I thought we would, however.

Hayden (Corbin, too) sleep comfortably like this. Every night. No order in their chaos. Hayden is tangled in no less than SEVEN heavy fleece blankets. No pillow cases. No top sheet. "It's just not comfortable the other way." 
I don't get it 

There truly was a game on Sunday. San Francisco 49ers played a championship/playoff game. Chip n dip, veggie platter, cheese and crackers were the evening fare, and games later on. Toasting with "Cheese Bombs," above.

Floofie hair for Katie, done by stylist Casey. You know, the Tic Tock one-shot wonder?

Just cards. 

And more cheese puffs.


Playing with toys 

This is how Quintin "watched" the football game with his dad.

More Games!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like a great time! (We don’t sleep with top sheets anymore either).