Friday, January 21, 2022

Service Missionary call


This is something new and different for me and Mike.

We applied to be Service Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We were called to serve in the office at the Cedar City Temple. We started training in December, and have completed just a few shifts. We work for about 8 hours each week, with assignments on early Tuesday morning and late Thursday evening.

It is so nice to be in the Temple. The people who work and serve there are so nice. We have learned so much! It's computer work like recording ordinances, and answering phones, helping with the recommend desk, and more! Even though it's not operating at full capacity, the temple is surprisingly busy. We are amazed at the number of names of SOULS whose lives in the hereafter have the opportunity to be affected for good, if they do choose to accept the proffered ordinances. And we are just one smallish temple of over 100. In the eternal perspective, it's a mere drop in the bucket of how much work needs to still happen. But still! We are helping, and it feels good.

Many MANY people have been calling in sick, however, due in part to this new Omicron variant surge. We will probably be trying to cover some other shifts in the near future.

As of February, we now serve on Thursday nights, Friday Mornings and the first Saturday of the month.

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