Wednesday, March 20, 2024

MANTI Temple Open House


 Today was a gorgeous day for a drive to Manti. We attended the open house for Historic Manti Temple.

People, people everywhere!our neighbor, Brooke Larson joined us. 

Long lines . We waited in a long line going up the hill for about 30 minutes. 60 degrees and sunny, so it was pleasant.  
We even ran into Kim and Terri Hunter there, too!

We had reservations, thankfully. Although nobody asked to actually see our tickets. 

Because a newer, more ADA compliant temple is being built, THIS temple was restored to its pioneer era glory and they added NO extra elevators. I believe there may be one lift, somewhere. Mostly, it is just lots and lots and lots of stairs throughout!. Gorgeous hand- milled woodwork. Gorgeous spiral staircase we were able to climb. It's amazing what those pioneers were able to do with only hand tools!

1 comment:

Donnapooh said...

I’m always amazed at the carvings and HUGE things in Europe so I imagine it’s the same for the woodworking in the middle of the desert in the wilderness