Saturday, November 12, 2011

Machines that bug me

This is where I put my apple peeler when it malfunctioned. Right into the trash can with a few angry "Grrrs" to go with it. I did forgive it later and pulled it out, made some adjustments and had Eric try it one more time. Still no workie. And it used to work so WELL!! I loved it. I am finally down to my last two boxes of apples that are NICE apples, so I don't have to deal with bruises or worm holes, etc. It should have worked so well. But it didn't.

We had a nice little snow storm the other day. It stayed cold for quite a while. We actually STILL have snow in the shady spots in our back yard, and it's been several days. I thought the hammock looked kind of cool, so I sent poor, cold-blooded Eric out to take a picture for me. Hmm. I guess that's one MORE thing I forgot to do while the fall days were still nice--put the hammock away for the winter.
Our poor, lonely pumpkins on the front porch. Maybe they would like to come inside and live next to the Christmas tree, like their parent pumpkin did last year! Honestly, I really did miss some nice fall days. I think we were gone for some of the weekends. I might have been busy doing apples, or was fighting off a cold.
Below. The end of the "less-than-perfect" ones. Mom said I should have just tossed them and moved on, but they really were in not very bad shape, overall. Monday and Tuesday of this week I did more sauce. Thursday I made more. See? You can see the bottom of the box!! YAY.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Poor sad apple peeler... I guess it lasted you 10 years. That might be the limit for small machines now. They just don't make them like they used to! Maybe I'll hunt another one down for you this Christmas.