Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday workout

I think a good way to start a workout is to sleep in.  So I did. Till almost 8 a.m. That was my favorite part of the day.
*I got some laundry sorted.
*I ate breakfast. Yummy granola from WINCO. We really like that stuff (Mike and I bought granola while we were in Salt Lake, too)
*I fielded a couple of long phone calls.  {You can see how much I'm getting done, huh? And it is nearly 11 a.m. by now}
THEN, after putting in some laundry and doing dishes, I met my students whose guinea pig I am for their upper division PE class on Exercise Prescription. I meet with them a couple of times a week. Really nice kids, very sweet, extremely encouraging and up beat.
And they beat me up. At least, that's what it feels like when  we are done.
 * two mile walk
* four sets of 10  crunches
* four sets of twelve (modified) pushups
* three sets of 20-second butterfly kick leg lifts
* three 1-minute planks
* four sets of ten body squats
* four sets of 8 lunges
* twenty minute cool down stroll around the track
* major stretches
* Bike ride home

* I ran some errands--Picked up Primary lesson materials from my substitute last week, bought a pruning saw, stopped in to see how Mike was doing on the rock wall he was working on.
*Ate lunch
*More laundry
*Went to Berenice's to rake up a corner of her lawn because it had snow residue trash left behind. That and a few other yard tasks only took me 20 minutes.
*Then I went inside and spent 1 1/2 hours hauling stuff from the tops of closets. I filled the garbage can, AND my back seat.
*Had a major allergy attack.  Lots of dust and some ancient mice droppings. I may get haunta virus.  But I took a load of stuff to D.I. that is great progress, believe me!
*Finished laundry
*Typed my talk for Sunday
*Prepared my Primary lesson

****AND  BLOGGED****

Pretty good day!😉