Sunday, January 20, 2019

A good Sabbath. 1/20/2019

Why was it a good Sabbath?  I like Sundays.  I didn't always. I frequently asked, "WHY??!!"  Why was it so stinkin' hard to get everyone to church?  I didn't get much out of it. Frequently I was stressed. I felt pressure to make a special meal--and that's a hard thing to do.

Well, I'm in a far different stage right now.

It was good because:

* I woke up to the smell of fresh-baked bread, which I had set in the bread-maker the night before [thanks, Gail!].  Mmmm, that smelled so wonderful to my nostrils at first waking. Until I heard something weird!  And it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen!  At 6 am!! And we were the only ones home....who was in my kitchen and why?!  I was too chicken to get up and look at first.  Mike was sleeping peacefully. But then I realized I'd left an electric appliance going overnight...maybe my kitchen was on fire.  THAT made me get up and look. But only from the bedroom doorway.  Still chicken. No noise, no flickering lights or flame or smoke. Okay, the kitchen's not on fire. But the noise...what was the noise. Then I heard it, a scraping, shuffling, rustly noise again, but this time it was behind me.  But not at the neighbors' as I first thougth it might have been. I think it was just Mike's rough feet scratching at the sheets when he moved slightly.  So I went back to bed. Avoiding those scratchy feet.

* I got to sleep in.  Once I went back to bed, I slept until I woke up on my own. 8 hours of sleep. Blissful.

* We had a leisurely breakfast of cocoa and toast with bottled apricots on the side.  Fresh-baked bread, you know.  Nothin' better in my book.

* Church doesn't start until 10:30 a.m. The meeting was great. I sang in the ward's "Instant Choir," along with about 20 other folks. We sounded good! ;-)  Sunday School was nice, though the room was frigid. Lots of our ward members have really good thoughts, ideas, testimonies that they share. I do love our ward.

* After class was over, and while waiting to see someone, I perched on a radiator and got all warmed up.  Mmmmm. Remember the days of standing over a heater vent in the cold mornings? Like that, only no blowing air. Just nice, warm, penetrating and comforatable heat on my frozen fanny and legs. Thanks for sharing the heater in the hallway with me, Miles.

* It was good because MIKE did the dishes last night and I had clean dishes today with which to begin my dinner preparations for our 3:30 dinner.  AND

* Mike made some yummy Dutch Oven potatoes for us. I fried some Cod and it turned out super yummy, if I do say so myself.  Corn from our freezer that I put up in the summer, and some great tartar sauce, apricot nectar with some added fizz from a bottle completed our meal.  Dessert was home-made, warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookes. Not really home-made. It was a package that made 12. Just enough to keep us from over-eating. Except I did not end up saving the three for Eric like we should have. oh well.

* I finished the Sunday Crossword puzzle without looking at the answers one single time.

* I drove Berenice home after dinner (and after some futile searches on Family Search on a        v    e      r        y         very slow tablet).  What an exercise in frustration.  BUT the ride home was worth it because I saw this:

A rather spectacular sunset.  Pretty.  We do live in a lovely world at times.

* It was a good Sabbath because I had a lovely and long chat with my Mommy on the phone.

* It was a good day because I got all caught up on my sister's journey to Germany yesterday. She emailed me and had caught up her blog. What a move.  Yikes. I never want to move again. They are now officially "overseas" and will be for three years. I'm gonna miss her, but I'll bet I see her as often as when she lived in Georgia!  And we'll still be able to email, etc.

* It was a good Sabbath for me because I'm training my new staff member and the library is closed today because it's a holiday (Martin Luther King Jr Day is tomorrow), so I didn't have to worry about going in or wondered how he did on his own for the first time. Except I forgot it was closed and still worried about it. But only briefly!  Then I remembered what day it was, really.

* It was a good Sabbath because I've made it to 9:30 p.m. and haven't even had a nap today!! Naps tend to make me more tired sometimes. But not always. I needed one yesterday and it was worth it. I worked a half a day on Saturday (11 to 3 pm), came home, ate a late lunch and had a nap. Then I spend HOURS putting away all the Christmas decorations in my living room. Up and down and up and down the stairs, stacking and packing boxes like a Tetrus game on my basement shelves. And I was DUSTING the decos before I put them away because I left everything up for so long they actually needed to be dusted thoroughly.  And cleaning. And putting things back in order.  It's done. Finally.  Even fake trees (especially ones that are years old) shed green needles.  It is nice to have clean(er) floors. Now if I could just get the bathrooms caught up....

What else made it a good day?

*   I found a chocolate bar in the bedroom while looking for my tablet keyboard!!  Dark Chocolate/Rasberry from Ethel M's.[ Thanks, Nick and Kaylee--I hid it too well from my self {and maybe Mike}, but  it did finally re-surface]. What a fun find!

1 comment:

Donna said...

YUM on the dark chocolate and raspberry chocolate!! I had my first bratwurst to day with sauerkraut and gravy of all things for dinner. Gravy on Sauerkraut doesn't sound good, but it was!!