Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Blog Book that wasn't 12/20/2019

I print out my blog book periodically. I've been doing it annually for about 10 years. Yes, yes, I know. My life is too well-documented.  But Mike and I like looking through these periodically. Sometimes I refer to them for backup and confirmation of events from the past because we all know that MommaLinda has NO memory. So I write.

My printed blog books nestled in binders of correspondence. One filing cabinet drawer.

I ordered my Blog Book from "Blog to Print" website as I have in the past when they have their best coupon deals to get money off.  I was so excited to see it when it came in the mail.

I open the package with much anticipation....

And it's not my blog book. Some strangers'.  Dang!

I emailed "Blog-to-Print" and they will send me another.  But what about the poor OTHER person who didn't get theirs?  I feel so bad. I didn't open up the shrink wrap for a while, but tonight I did and did some sleuthing.  From the outside, even before opening up the plastic shrink wrap, I could search for the title, but it didn't turn up anything. HER blog book is called, "So, That's Why!"  Maybe I don't know how to search for blogs.  When I search for "MommaLinda Blog," on Google, mine comes right up.  But my computer knows me, so that kind of figures.  My computer knows WAY too much! haha.

Today I thumbed through the stranger's blog, found a name, a city name, her kids' names. But no state. And it's OLD!  She printed her blog entries from 2009 to 2011.  She's a single Mom, a scrap booker- gone digital scrapper. Has a dog and cat. I figure her kids are 19 and 21 by now, but can't even find them on Facebook, either. It's hard without a state to go by. "Plainfield." There's three and all three are green like in their photos. They have California many clues.  I feel like I know her. ha.  I wish I could return it to her.  But I'm sure she did the same thing I did after spending so much time and money and contacted the company to say she didn't receive the right book.

Can you imagine what they would have to do if the entire day's worth of printed blog books ALL were off by one box and EVERY ONE they mailed was the wrong one!  Sheesh!  That's a LOT of re-prints and I'm guessing some heads will roll.

I'm still waiting for my re-print to arrive. It won't come tomorrow since it's a federal holiday.  I guess it's ALWAYS a federal holiday, what with the government shutdown and all, right?  So grateful I still have a job.

And our Lunar eclipse is partially covered by high, thin clouds. I saw a spectacular one some years ago while the moon was low in the sky, full and large. THAT was a good one. This one, up high in the sky, not so spectacular. Though it is kind of fun to see it be phased out.  It does make you wonder what common folks thought when they observed things like that with no scientific knowledge of those kinds of things.

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