Monday, June 10, 2019

May 2019. A Different Kind of Mother's Day for our Family

Toward the end of April (the 26th), I had a Library work meeting in Salt Lake, so Mike and his Mom decided to come along for the long weekend. Mike made doctor appointments for some knee and shoulder treatments, and Berenice just likes to go places and see people.  And they did!  Mike took her to (try and see Tony, unsuccessfully), and they saw her brother, James and his wife and had a nice visit. We were able to visit with Gayela and with Angela, too.  So it was a nice little trip.

But we did notice how hard it was for Berenice to go up and down stairs, increasingly so. She was always short of breath and very tired and sleepy.  Upon coming home, she had several spells of feeling very very ill, off and on. It took about a week to actually convince her to get to the Dr.  When Mike finally took her, they said to come back for more tests, etc. and eventually put her in the hospital.  She did not come home better, but to pass quietly to the other side.  There were several nights that were uncomfortable, but she had many helpers once we got the right people in charge.

May 7, Tuesday, was when she went into the hospital.  May 9 was when she was release on hospice to go home, and May 12 was when she passed away.

Tina Eaton came up from St. George, and Angela came from Salt Lake with Gayela, and Andrew came from Wyoming and Tara Jo from Vernal. They were all there between the 9th and the 12.  Berenice had some loving grandchildren to help care for her in her final days.  Monica drove her parents down from Vernal, as well.  There was a good gathering for those days. They all were able to help make funeral plans and preparations and eventually help sort out the belongings.  At least many of them.  We're not done yet. It'll be a while.

I know all these photos are out of order, but these are some fond memories of those days

Joe and Lesa.  They were such a huge help in the week following the funeral to come and help sort through belongings, clean, organize, make decisions.  Joe and Jannae, along with Lesa and her husband John.

Eric is modeling a woollen appliqued jacket from Mexio.  It seems Berenice never threw away much of anything. We found a variety of stuff. From treasures to trash.

Sorry, this wasn't at Berenice's house, but it was cute. And we needed some humor to get us through the long days.

Very old bowl. Not really, but it (and one like it)  has fond memories for me.

During the midst of all the funeral and burial, etc., Donna and Butch were in Las Vegas for a conference, so I drove down and spent a day and a bit with them. Butch was ill and im his room, but Donna and I went out to eat.

At the burial in Provo, May 18, 2019. With Robert's family.

Crystalynn Rogers with Matt, Eric and Katie in Provo.

Three of my angels who were with Berenice when she passed--Tina, Tara, Angela.

Mike got to visit wth a lot of cousins.

These are other little cousins. All our kids were there, though Damian was a lone representative from his family. He happened to be in Las Vegas for a conference, as well, the week prior. He came early and almost made it in time to get to Cedar before his grandma passed. Airline delays prevented him from doing so, darn it.

Kaylee and Nick with Robert.

Unlike John's burial in January of 2010, the drive up and back to Provo was gorgeous. We've had a fairly wet spring, so the grasses were incredibly green. Even the sage brush. Lovely. And lovely clouds, too.

There was a viewing on Friday night before the funeral. Casey (swing Hailey), Damian, Nick. Such handsome fellows.

Damian meeting Jane at our house.  There is something about doctors and mohawk hairdos on new babies. He did this, stinker.

Surely you can tell the spirit has departed.  Gayela and I went together to dress her in her temple clothing and to do her hair and makeup. Sort of .  I tried desparately to do the hair, but it was hopeless.  And we let the mortician do her makeup.

Gathering and visiting cousins.

And, the reminder that it was Mother's day.  These are lovely tulips that were sent to me from Damian's family.

Definitely was a different sort of May, that's for sure.  May she rest in Peace.
Berenice Liebhardt, July 23, 1925 - May 12, 2019.

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