Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Reads June 2019

I finished a book while I was tending at Katie's house. "Same Kind of Different as Me." I understand that it is a movie as well. I think I will just stick to the book. I really enjoyed it a LOT and movies are generally not as good as the book.

I also listened to "Muddy" by Dean Huges while traveling to and from Denver, and on Sunday after I got home and was perusing newspapers.  That was pretty enjoyable, too.

Mike and I have a trip to Huntington Beach coming up this weekend. We 'll be listening some some audio book along the way. I'll let you know what we decide on.


What good books have YOU read recently? It feels like a very long time since I've even read or listened to one previous to these two.  I do love having access to almost everything that is available in audio books from Deseret Book. And--DUH-- I work in a library!!!  Now if I just had the TIME to listen to them...

So many books, so little time. :-)

We are going to have to get back over to Mike's Mom's home soon and get things finished up over there. The rest of the house, shed and gagrage await.

1 comment:

Donna said...

My books aren’t your cup of tea but I have finished a box set “The Complete Colony Saga” box set and a few dystopian ones. Pandemic by A.G. Riddle is in the works new.