Sunday, October 10, 2021

Tomatoes, continued

This is a lame attempt at "Food Blogging". 

Really, it's just Before, During, and After pictures of roasting tomatoes.

The finished ones (below)  are slightly darker than I  wanted them, but that's okay. They don't taste burnt. I think they are better described as"dried"rather than roasted. 

I like to keep these in my freezer. I can slice/dice them to add to pasta, sauces, soups, salads, veggies, stir fry,  etc. They add a big ZIP of flavor to whatever. Cool. I like 'em. And it's a good thing because a have a few boxes of green tomatoes on my garage, ripening. 

It froze last night, so yesterday I picked and saved some of the green tomatoes , and FILLED my trash can with the vines and rest of the green tomatoes off my ten 🍅 tomato plants. (Sure do hate to waste so much food.) 

So long, Summer! Welcome Fall. 

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