Monday, November 22, 2021

The Vine Project

 Once upon a time, Mike and I picked a whole bunch of apples from some trees in a neighbor's yard. Only the trees were being taken over by a really nasty vine. You couldn't see much of the tree at all. So Mike asked if we could take out the vine for the home owner.  Kind of like trade for all the apples we picked this season and hope to pick in future seasons.

Mike has been over there for many days on his own, pulling, cutting, digging. He has hauled THREE truckloads to our county dump! Three. And we are not done yet.

We are old. If he worked more than three hours, his shoulders would be trashed. I only worked about 4 hours today, and, Yowza. I'm bushed. Pun intended. I knew it was hard work and a big job, but we have found it to be EXTREMELY difficult. Our hands ache, the gloves wear out, it's dirty, the roots are stubborn. 

I guess I'll go back tomorrow for some more. I'll try to take a photo of the full truck. We were wishing we had a good "before" photo of the mess the trees and fence were in. Trees, fence, trellis, gateway, rose bushes, other shrubs...everything was being taken over by this invasive vine, plus some Virginia Creeper Vines, too!  Crazy. 

Jocelyn is the homeowner's daughter who lives in the house with roommates. She gave us a pumpkin pie today. And she IS extremely grateful for our help. 

Who knew it would be so such a huge project? Certainly not us. I figured a truck load to the dump and we'd be done. Ha! 

Lesson learned. Never plant a vine or two and let them get out of control. Controlled, they are lovely. Out of control? Not so much. The photo is from the internet, but is an accurate depiction of some of the stuff I was working on today.

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