Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Rest of SUU Homecoming

 Mike and I did have plans to go to the pancake breakfast this morning. But we kind of slept in. And then I made Mike help me fill my dehydrators with apples this morning before we left. We didn't get them all the way filled, but made a really good start on it. And that made us a little bit late to the breakfast. Well, a lot late to the breakfast. But I didn't think it would matter. I figured they would still be serving pancakes. They were. They were serving pancakes to the entire community! Anybody who came by, they would feed pancakes to. That meant that the lines were very, very, very, very, long. So we opted not to stand in line. We visited with a few people, grabbed a glass of milk to drink, and then we found a place to watch the parade. We perched up on top of the wall north of the old student center, that is now the Hunter Conference Center / alumni house (alumni offices?) The parade was nice. It is nice to not have to go to main Street, actually. They just have it down University boulevard which is Center street.

Eric and Matt came in time to eat tacos with us for dinner. And then we headed over to the game. Eric was a sweetheart and bought the tickets for us quite a while ago. They were on the 50-yard line! In real seats with backs. The weather could not have been more perfect. It was just perfect for a light jacket. The crowds were huge. We heard it was a sold-out crowd, and I can believe it. And, as far as I know, the T-Birds won their football game for homecoming. We did not stay till the very bitter end. They were ahead quite a bit. But Eric and Matt felt like they needed to get home and get their dogs out of their kennels. We saw enough of it to be fairly enjoyable. We even had neighbors that we knew sitting in front of us. One of Eric's friends was sitting behind us. And thousands of others all around us. Most of us dressed in red.

Fun times! Mike and I might even attempt to attend another football game or two this season. He really had a nice time. And I thought it was okay. I'm kind of a fair weather person. If the weather is going to be icky, I doubt that I will want to attend with him.

Alph Phi float

Matt, Eric, Mike and me. Us Liebhardts had matching "This is my GAME DAY Shirt"
shirts on. Eric claimed they were purchased in 2016, but I dunno. I didn't think they were THAT old. 

What a lovely view- the sunset glow on Cedar's Red Hill.  So pretty.

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