Sunday, July 2, 2023

End of June and Beginning of July

Tacos with everyone on Saturday night.

 Folks are starting to gather for our family reunion!

But first, we had some driving, visiting and driving to do.  Mike and I drove over to Denver on Monday, June 26, spend the night with Katie and Casey's family. Then we picked up Gayela the next morning and drove her to Cedar City. Sadly, she had a bad fall in the parking lot of a restaurant in Grand Junction on the way there!  She was so sore and now, days later, is very bruised, too.  But nothing seemed very broken.  She did see a chiropractor one day.
We took in a Shakespeare play one night.  Gail and Jonathan came over from Nevada this week, too, and she's been cooking lots of meals for us. It's been nice.  THEN, Katie and Casey came on Saturday.  So we've had a fun, full house full. 
And it will be getting fuller as the days go on. 
We visited and played games with Tandy, Braeden and Ella tonight, too. Damian and Lexi flew in this evening and drove up from Vegas.  Even Eric dropped by with Matt on their way to a Cedar City production of "Into the Woods" and we got to say hi for a minute.
Love 'em all.

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