Saturday, December 23, 2023

Knee update

 Progress!  Good progress.

PT started on Friday. He did really well! The therapist assigned him.only four exercises to do, three times a day. That evening, We had a fun "Goodbye" visit with Damian,Tandy and girls. They head to Texas on Saturday.

Mike can do stairs! Step, together, step, together. 

Mike has a small appetite! We've been enjoying nutritional meals AND yummy treats from neighbors. Hmmm, candy and cookies and nuts-- oh my!

Mike can do some of the Physical Therapy by himself. But I do help him to make it easier and obtain a greater range of motion. It worked well on his shoulder, so we are hoping for the best on the knee.

The bruising on the top of his thigh is evident now. I think it's from the tourniquet they use for surgery. I'm sure the rest of his knee will blossom soon.

He's totally off the opioids pain killers and just using Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Good progress. Not using walker.

Not sleeping much at night. Drinking plenty of fluids keeps him hopping up and down frequently. It's a bother.  (But GREAT exercise!) And his bowels have started functioning, so he is a happy camper. Pun intended.

We went for a drive this morning to get some fresh air. But it turned out he was NOT comfortable sitting in a vehicle, so we didn't stay out long at all. But at least it was a change of scenery for him.

Progress every day. We are so happy and SOOOoooo very grateful!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I took a stool softener with every opioid I took. Worked out well. :) glad to read he’s doing well. Not sure I would do so well with weight bearing surgeries