Friday, June 26, 2020

Lydia's Canyon, Saturday June 20, 2020

Happy Birthday, Hayden! 

He turned 12, we had birthday pancake breakfast for him that morning and we all fit inside the Lodge!  Well, except I forgot about Matt and Eric, so they missed the first part.  And Casey wasn't there yet, but he was busy packing up and never eats breakfast anyway.  But MOST of us showed up.  We had pancakes, but no bacon. Juice or milk.  We lit candles, sang "Happy Birthday," Hayden blew them out .  Three breaths? Really?  Do kids not know they are supposed to make a wish and blow them out in ONE breath in order for the wishes to come true?!!??

After breakfast, it was


Pack up, move-em out. Breakfast was 9 am and we had to be out by 11 am. It was a rush, I'm telling you!  But we did it.  That's a lot of stuff.  Wowsers. And somehow, I feel like I came home with more food than I left with!  And I think that's true because I did take a lot of dinner leftovers.  Nick and Kaylee took their pork, but I ended up with "Patio Chicken" and Dutch oven potatoes, cooked hot dogs and hamburgers...Salad stuff..  Lots of food.  We won't go hungry, that's for sure.

And we didnt' while we were there in Lydia's Canyon.  Everyone was so generous with their  Costco -s ized portions of snacks and treats, people brought desserts to share, made generous dinners. It all worked out so well.  I'd love to do this again sometime!

Thanks for coming, kids!  It was a blast. 

And then we napped. ;-)

 Katie and her family didn't head right home. They went to St. George to spend more time with Casey's brothers (well, at Lake Powell for the rest of the weekend first!), then in Cedar with his Mom and brothers.

 And they watched a ball game of one the cousins from Casey's family, too. Corbin seemed to "Go Missing" for a bit. Those silly kids sent the sillies texts back and forth. The photo above does NOT include Corbine at my house with the rest of his family because he went back to St. George with his uncle while the rest of the family came to pick up Caillou from our house. We dog - sat while they all went out to eat with Michelle (Casey's Mom).

And, Tandy's family is here. The girls, anyway. Damian flew home early Saturday to go back to work.  Scarey stuff. COVID-19 is still increasing in San Antonio...we do worry about him.
Braeden went o Wisconsin to visit a friend. And three other friends are there, too!  So there are 5 boys all staying with the host family who used to live in San Antonio and they are having a blast! Cute boys.

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