Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Beware the Ides of March!

 March 1st ( of just about any year in the past 25 or so) used to be one of my favorite days of the year. Working in a library with a two-week checkout, a March 1st check out meant that books would be due on the Ides of March, or March 15th. I would delight in telling people as I slid their books across the desk to them with the receipt, " Beware the Ides of March."  Silly me. Only a few English majors through the years actually understood what I was saying., But it was well worth it to get at least a chuckle, slight smile or two through the years.

Now, however, we have another reason to celebrate The Ides of March. Not that the assination date of Julius Caesar is something to celebrate. Or Shakespeare's rendition of it... But TRULY It is the day that Corbin Rossman was born. He turned 11 yesterday, and Mike and I were in Denver to help celebrate. His family all went to the traveling Jurassic World experience. It was really nice! We enjoyed it, but unfortunately Mike missed the scariest part. He needed to make a bathroom run. That was when we met the Great big ferocious tyrannosaurus rex. Katie and I actually SQUEALED. Or maybe screamed a little. We thought maybe we were screaming because the lamp post right over our head clanked down like it was going to fall on us. It did not. It was a prop, like in a Disney experience. But the T-Rex was really quite ferocious, loud, and the whole room vibrated with its roars, as well as rattled the chain link fence next to us. I thought the people who ran the exhibit, experience did a really nice job...

After we did that, the eight of us (!) went out to eat at a local restaurant. We had Mexican food, and very generous portions of it. Then, Mike and I hit the road and headed home. We were trying to avoid a storm that was set to come on Wednesday. Wednesday was our original travel home day, but it is no fun to drive across the Rocky mountains in the snow. We got home just before midnight. Not too bad. But we did eat a lot of junk food while traveling and enjoyed ourself a little bit too much, diet wise. 

Photos for your enjoyment.

Presents at home first!

Dinosaurs and Legos, cash and computerized game stuff.

It was a warm, mild day in Denver. Quintin and Corbin sitting on their back covered patio.

The twins had bad coughs ( which responded well to medication), but no fevers or anything, so they went masked, the rest of us prepared to be so in case it was wall-to- wall people. (It wasn't too bad).

There's even a mask on the dog. (He stayed home. Wearing a diaper).

There were several rooms, or "experiences". A ferry ride out to the island. That first large apaosaurus...a truck, some babies to pet, a lab to explore, fossils to dig, vehicles to observe. A velociraptor in training, close up looks at snarling ones in metal muzzles, and then the climax with T Rex. Fun times.

After our Dino experience:

In the parking lot. Cute, Katie. Real cute. 😉

After lunch. The counter stools had metal tractor seats on them!

Thanks for having us, kids!!

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