Thursday, April 13, 2023

Drive home from Flagstaff

 Caroline was kind enough to postpone an exam ( her professor cooperated since others were gone from class as well), and we didn't have to scurry out of town TOO fast. It was probably 9:30 before we got out of Flagstaff.  

We drove and drove and drove. We had traffic hold ups for construction in the reservation for about thirty minutes while they tarred the road cracks. Mike napped and I watched for traffic changes while we sat still for long periods of time. 

We ate lunch at Subway in Page ( right in FRONT of a line of folks in a tour bus! Good timing on our part)

We drove by Glen Canyon Dam to see the water level there.

Um, low. Very , very low, just as we expected.

However, look at all the snow up on the mountains that will flow into the Virgin River and tributaries, and on to Lake Mead. Not anywhere near Lake Powell , which is the lake we are looking at, but at least it's something.

We also drove back down to Lone Rock. We drove there 6 months ago, on our way home from Colorado. It doesn't look much different. 

But there IS a lot of snow up on top still.
This is up on Highway 14.

Near and around Duck Creek.

One of the flat areas up in top.

The flat areas on top around Deer Valley, I think.

Just before you turn toward Cedar Breaks.

We are 17 miles up from Cedar, but this will melt AWAY from Cedar Valley And go toward the other side of our mountains and down to Lake Mead eventually. 

When we were up here a few weeks ago, the "Summit" sign was barely visible. Now it IS visible, so it's melting. We hope and pray it will be a manageable melt off so we aren't flooded out.

We did see someone with a LARGE horse trailer they'd tried to tow across a very quickly- flowing Virgin River :Ford around Orderville, and they were stuck!! Right in the middle, had climbed out on top of the truck cab and onto the trailer top.  It was about one to two feet of water, but it was fast and muddy. I hope they got out and horses weren't damaged. Scarey stuff. Why had they even attempted that?!?!

We were home Safe and Sound by....I dunno... 3 pm? 
 Tired. So tired. TB ( as in "Tired Butt") for all, even tho Mikes truck is very comfy. Good to be home and find all well there.

Mike asked Mom on the way into town, "Mom, do you want to go to our house or Our House?" She said, "I want to go to Our House." That joke will never get old.


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