Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Toroweap, April 26, 2023

 I went with Ross and Cindy Williams, and Ross's Mom. Mike was supposed to go, but was still sick with his head and chest cold.

Perfect day, perfect weather, perfect company.

Long dusty drive down many dirt roads. They drove their Blazer. They had been there before-- 25 years ago. Roads have eroded considerably since then. It was a good core body work out! And Ross did a superior job of navigating rocks, ruts and washboard bumps and beyond. 30 mph was the average speed.

It was pretty barren country we traveled through. This was near our potty stop on the way. Hardly a bush to pee behind. But we did find various trees, so all was fine.

THIS part looks like a road. After we entered the park, there were signs that said to stay on the road. "Road" should have been in quotes on the sign. It wasn't much of a road for many, many miles. But we did make it to the lookout. We packed a picnic and had a hearty late lunch which was yummy.

A Road (?)

At the picnic area.

Crowds were minimal and we had a shaded table to enjoy our meal at. We wandered to the overlook. 

It's thousands of feet down. Eeekkk!

The Mighty Colorado River is very brown down there!

I had a hard time , initially, getting close enough to to edge to SEE the river.

Too close for comfort. I skittered right back. I still shiver thinking about it. 

Cindy, Marlena, Ross.

Cindy, on the other hand, enjoys scrambling over rocks. It doesn't matter that they are scarey and close to the cliffs. So I took pictures of HER while *I* remained far from the edges. Never bring kids or pets here.

I did enjoy the wildflowers, however.

This yucca-type plant was about ready to bloom.

More wild flowers

More clambering over rocks way high up on the edge of the canyon.

Holes in the rocks. 


Cindy and I walked 5 minutes over to a place to see Lava Falls Rapids.

I think we could hear the water from clear up there. Or maybe it was wind.

Here is a picture of the "road" up near the lookout area. It's rock. Very rough and bumpy rock. Cindy and I opted to walk a mile or so out rather than ride.

There was a composting toilet up there.

And the ranger station was set in a picturesque spot!

It couldn't have been a more perfect excursion! 
 Here's a picture of Ross resting after lunch. He did ALL the driving!

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