Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day!

 Mike and I enjoyed breakfast on the lovely in the summer. We attended the Cedar City Lions parade and Park festivities. Had a good visit with a few friends. 

Came home and had a nap!

Earlier in the morning I froze/ churned ( it's an electric ice cream maker, not like I was hand-cranking it!!) two batches of cherry-chocolate ice cream. Yummy. And I made a macaroni salad.

Damian stopped in for a visit while making fireworks preparations. 

I sewed a pretty July Tablecloth. May through August, actually. Memorial Day thru Labor Day. Gail helped me with the requisite math. I'm getting really rusty with that stuff. And she designed a table runner I can make with the scraps, for those days when a full tablecloth isn't necessary.

We took our foods and picked up my Mom around 5 and drove to Kanarraville for dinner at around 6:30 pm. Gail and her kids came. Eric and Matt came. Damian and Lexi flew in for just 2 days.  Lots of Tandy's cousins were there in Kanarraville, we had a grand feast. Tandy and crew did Dutch Oven chicken potatoes and there were beans and salads, rolls, etc. 

Only Caroline and Johnny stayed for the fireworks. As I'm typing this late on Thursday night, I can hear lots of fireworks and quite a few sirens, sadly. It's terribly dry here.  It took extra long to irrigate my garden in Wednesday morning. The soil was just so parched and thirsty. But our front lawn is still nice and green! 

Happy Fourth!

Pam, Ella, Marilyn 


Cheesy Dutch Oven potatoes. Cooked to perfection.

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