Monday, June 24, 2024

New Shoulder for Mike 6/20/2024

 It's time for Mike's LEFT shoulder to be replaced. We arrived at hospital at 7:15 a.m., he went in for surgery around 9:30. Dr Allen checked in with me around 11:45 saying that Mike had done well, they'd had to shave off some really big bone spurs ( no wonder he's had such little range of motion and so much pain!), but he'd come through surgery okay and things looked good.

Mike spent over TWO HOURS in the recovery area. He did NOT want to wake up. His blood pressure was quite low, so they had to address that with some medication from the anesthesiologist...I could hear his nurse speaking to him quite loudly down the hall, and after such a long wait, I was beginning to be concerned.. 

Eventually he made it back to his 'room' ( a cubby with curtains) where we worked really hard to get him really awake enough to go home. 

We were home by 2:45. He went straight to sleep, of course.

Later, I went to get him some prescriptions at Smith's. When I came back, David was here! With Mom. Nice surprise. David is on his way to Reno. He had taken Mom out to have Mexican food, and they went to Sizzler on Friday and David drove on to Reno/Carson City on Saturday. It was fun to see him for a bit. He stayed here.

Mike's nerve block wore off on Saturday. He's done really well with pain management overall. The antibiotic has been rough on his tummy, however. 

He does not like wearing the sling. At all. Seldom does, which is a worry to me. But he is good about icing thw surgical site. No fever, he is taking blood thinner ( baby aspirin) and walking around regularly. He stayed home from church on Sunday.

Now we just need to regulate the sleeping to happen at NIGHT and not during the day. 

Nerve blocks are wonderful.

And I picked peas! I got this many on Sunday morning. Eric and Matt came over for a salmon dinner on Sunday afternoon. My Mom came, too. I made everyone shell peas before I would serve dessert. My thumbs simply cannot handle it. 
And the carrot cake was delicious and worth the labor of love. Even Pam enjoyed the cake when she had a taste on Monday. She brought lunch over on Monday the 24th, sweetheart. KFC. Yummy. And left all the leftovers.

I went over to Janet Seegmiller's on Saturday evening to pick cherries. I picked two full grocery bags. They SEEMED ripe, but Mike won't even eat them. Too tart and not ripe enough, sadly. Plus, his tummy is upset.  I found him some probiotics and bought yogurt for him. He was able to enjoy a chicken leg today, so that's good.

Check out the damage done to the marigolds I planted-- even the NEW ones purchased by the Funke's. Stupid bugs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My lilies look like that from bunnies nibbling the bottom leaves off! Who knew bunnies liked lily leaves? Not me!! The leafs are full above bunny on back leg height. It’s sort of funny!!