Thursday, June 13, 2024

Day Three


Six Chinook salmon, maxing out our limits of Salmon to take home from this trip. One flounder and one black bass. We lost some biggies off the hook, and we tossed back a small ling cod. 

So many"Double-Headers," too. That means that both poles have a bite, so the reelers have to do a bit of a dance to keep lines from becoming entangled, the guide works hard coaching both fisher-people, and hauling in the fish, AND someone has to keep the boat going straight. ( My job😊). It was a fun morning of fishing, though we did lose a few big ones that got away.

Oh, and if we thought yesterday's sea was rough, today surpassed it by a LONG way! Another foot of high seas and waves and our captain would have turned back. Tides turning, storm weather coming or going, plus wind made for a rough passing through one of the Channels. Whew. BIG swells. HUGE splashes. BIG surf. But not scary. At first. I couldn't take any pictures cuz I was hanging on. The first part of the ride out to our spot was smooth...but only that part.  Then it got rough. But where we were trolling was not too bad. We did have to watch the angle of their boat with the swells and waves, but it was okay. Ish

It's crazy how quickly things change. The ride back was oh-so-smooth. We saw whales spouting, plenty of birds were hanging about in the fishing area. As were four or five other fishing boats, trolling for Salmon. We saw quite a large number of Sea Otters and they are so cute. It is such rugged country up there in Vancouver Island, BC. 

Through all of this, Jessica never got really really seasick! We were so grateful for that, as she tends to be that way, and we did encounter some very rough seas.

We had the fish processed, drove around town a bit, got our ferry ticket, shopped for some smoked salmon in their shop, picked up the mostly NOT frozen fish, and hit the road.
We drove as far as Issaquah, WA on Wednesday night, found a dumpy hotel at 1 am Thursday, slept, then drove home to Cedar City by about 1:00 am on Friday. 
Long trip.
Friday afternoon,  we divvied up the the fish
The Funke's headed to Salt Lake on Friday morning while we slept in, and returned on Sunday afternoon. We said goodbye to them on Monday. Sunday? I don't know. My days are all a jumble. But it was sure good of them to house sit for us and water the plants.

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