Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June changes

 Caroline has graduated and moved out to an apartment here in town. She's still working at GNC and just needs to figure out what graduate program to do , and where. She moved most things on Monday and I helped her haul boxes into her new place, came back tonight to finish cleaning out her stuff from the fridge.  She has yet to truly empty the bedroom and clean it. Maybe this weekend? 

Our garden is mostly surviving the bugs. Stinky little critters! I planted marigolds plants around my anemic tomato plants, and the bugs ate the MARIGOLDS! The flowers are supposed to protect the tomatoes from bugs! Sheesh. 

We've had company. Alma and Jeff Funky came for a week of light bed treatment/therapy and agreed to stay for several extra days, so they can water our yards. Yay! 

Gayela went home to Denver on Tuesday. 

We are getting packed and ready for our trip to Canada to fish with the Henshaws and Serengeti Fishing. So fun.

Alma and Jeff Funke.

Caroline's new room.

And Mike caught yet another head cold. The second one this month!! He  got one right after our return from Texas, and again two weeks later. We  have decided he needs to be far more careful with caring for and cleaning his C-Pap machine. That may be the culprit. 

Tandy's Uncle John Fehr and family is coming to Kanarraville for the Fourth of July,  they are going Horseback riding. So are Tandy and Ella-- and they invited ME to come along, too. I'm so excited! 

1 comment:

Donna A said...

Yay you on horseback ridi g and company! I love company!!