Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday June 8 at Butchart Gardens

 It was so lovely. 

But first the Cherry hill Inn.

On.  A . Hill. A cute suite. We slept well. I don't think Ross and Jessica slept as well.

The parking was teeny tiny, but adequate. I just had to wait till the truck was pulled out to get in.

The outdoor picnic table in the evening was lovely. We even turned off the AC and opened windows.

Soft towels. And only a little bug in the otherwise clean tub. 😉

Some views from my bed. There were two beds. We spent enough for the room, we figured we could dirty up two sets of sheets.

There were ( and there are ALL OVER) Such gorgeous flowers and trees. Everywhere. These lovely roses were at the hotel.
Taken from my bed, early in the morning. Mike's still snoozing away across the way. We had a little kitchenette, full bath, fridge, two queen beds. There were two steps to get into the bathroom. (!)

Looking over my sleepy toes, early morning. (Yawn!)

The pretty rose tree. 

Skinny parking spot. But it's covered. There has been NO rain since we left home. We may have some later as we fish.

The view from our balcony.

We drove down into Victoria for breakfast at a delightful Dutch Bakery. Yum. Breakfast  plus pastry. Double yum.

It was old and historic. Decorated with blue and white ceramics and painted wooden shoes.

And across the street was a little bit of old and new, side by side. ( Plus a lot of homeless people). The architecture is really cool. Everywhere.

A few shots from Butchart Gardens.

Ross and Jessica Henshaw, our travel companions.

Little dancing fuschia ballerina flower.

A hedge. But it's from pine tree limbs that grew out and dow, then up. The were trimmed. It was big.

Funny ferns.

Layers upon layers of greens.

There were many rhododendrons.

Interesting buildings. This one is wood and rustic.

The view from the little wooden building down to the "Sunken Garden."

Even the trash cans were pretty.

There was a lovely carousel. Wooden, hand-carved. It was only $2 to ride, but we didn't bother. But we DID take photos!

Right after this, Mike and I took a break, walked back to the front area by the cages and gift shops, found a shady bench and watched Jannea's funeral which was live- streamed from Vernal. Some of our kids went to represent us. Her kids did a great job. They had a theme of, "I was her favorite." Which was so appt as SHE was everyone's favorite.

Peonies and foxglove. They were HUGE!!

A Totem Pole.

Japanese temple sculpture.

A fountain of sturgeons.

The hounds of the original owners'house.

Look closely. It's a dragon!

Monkey puzzle tree.

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