Monday, September 6, 2021

Harvest Time.

 I have a feeling the tomatoes will all ripen while I'm on vacation this year. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be able to get some of them salvaged or have someone come and pick them for me.

But the RASPBERRIES!!  Oh, how we've loved those.  And the peaches. The peach crop was our best yet. I've shared lots of them. I'll probably bottle this last and final picking. 'Twas an excellent season for peaches.  Nothing like fresh, sliced yummy tree-ripe, sweet and juicy peaches.  Mmmmm mMMMM!

The green beans have been just enough for eating.

And of course the squash. It's yummy.  And it's all for me. heh heh heh. Mike just doesn't like to eat that much of it.

Caroline's back now, so she can help me eat the squash.

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