Sunday, September 19, 2021


Do you know what the name of those flowers are above? "Naked Lady". Ha! Do you know how un- easy I was to type that into my phone computer? But these types of flowers were the first images that popped up. (Whew!)
 And these are here because Jannae and I were sitting in her back yard in Vernal, just enjoying the breeze and talking about gardens and such while Mike and Joe were out fishing at Steinaker reservoir. (Insert photo of rainbow trout).

Truthfully, I forgot to take ANY photos of the first days of our trip. We left Cedar on Friday morning of our 45th anniversary, drove to Vernal, had a nice visit with Joe and Jannae and went out to eat in the evening with them on Friday. 

Saturday was when they fished, Jannae and I visited and did a little shopping. When the Happy Fishermen  returned, Mike and I went to go visit Lynna and Gary Kendall.  That was a fun little "Catch-up" time with them.

We had a nice dinner Saturday evening that Jannae cooked. I really felt guilty having her cook for us. They have had such poor health of late, but are doing much better.  Later, we went to go see Mike's sister and brother-in-law, Sally and DeVere . Short visit there.

Mike stayed up late to watch a BYU Football game replay on tv. I went to bed. 

Sunday, church was at 9 a.m. We just went to Sacrament Meeting. Then left, changed clothes and hit the road.  

We took the scenic road over to Denver. 

Below are some (out of order) pictures of the pretty scenery in the mountains. Mike and I had dinner at the Black Bear Diner near our hotel, then went for a quick visit with Casey and Katie and kids. They'd spent the whole day at baseball games ( Hayden and Corbin's).

Their whole house is close to packed up. Most of their  furniture is gone, in storage. They HAVE been under contract for a home, but that may be changing....just many complications...they have many complications and many decisions to make, poor kids. Ugh. I do hate decisions like that.


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