Monday, September 6, 2021

August and summer stuff: Rachel, Texarkana, etc.


Since the ward party out at the "Oasis," I've done lots of things!

I took Mom to have her ears tested.  She got fitted for hearing aids. She rejected said hearing aids.

Mike and I attended a fun wedding/ring ceremony and dinner at the SUU Mountain Center on August 14 for our neighbor, Ashley Hopkins. It was a lovely evening because it RAINED!  Mostly just up on the mountain. They got a LOT on Kanarraville 5 inches in one evening. Wowza. Washed out roads.  But it filled up ponds and freshened up things nicely. And we enjoyed an evening together on the mountain with a bunch of nice folks who also came to celebrate with Ashley and her family. It's been fun to live on this street and watch them grow up, go on missions, get married, have children. Cute girls, both of them (the Hopkins have two daughters).

Mom and I went out to lunch together one day (Aug 16). I can't even remember where we went or what we had, but it's nice to get her out and about sometimes. She still hates leaving Dad all alone. (We had Hawaiian food. I remembered!)

Mike and I had appointments to attend the temple TWICE in August, so that was lovely to be back in the temple again. We did initiatory ordinances once and an endowment session another time. 

I joined Mom and Dad for their appointment with the PA who sees them in "Our House Assisted Living". They are going to prescribe home health for Dad again- physical therapy and wound care for his pressure sore. Home health will also assist with showering and shaving Dad.

I was supposed to go to Layton for a pool party, but decided it would be too much of a pain to get USF subs, so I bagged it.  However, because of cooler, cloudier weather, they postponed the party to the following weekend!

I usher at the Utah Shakespeare Festival in August and September on Friday and Saturday evenings. Except when I trade or when I'm subbing for someone--both of which I have done already this session. I love doing that because we get free vouchers as a thank you from the festival and I love being able to bring others to the play and enjoy some good theater. I will have been able to see all 8 of this year's offerings by the time the season ends in October, and Mike will have seen two of them with me. Well, only 2/3 of one because we were rained out one night.  After a rain delay on Aug 18, we saw most of it. But that was fine. "Comedy of Error's" is a very well-known and silly story, so we were entertained enough for one evening. ha.

August 22 I got to lead a discussion in our Relief Society class.  I do love our Relief Society sisters in our ward. I've been the Compassionate Service coordinator for the past while and have enjoyed working with the past few presidencies. We got a new RS presidency on Sunday the 5th. Jan Thorley was the former one and now Brenda Schmutz is our new president.  Good things to come, I'm sure. She's a great lady.  We've had some illnesses and surgeries in our ward, and just recently a new baby, so it's been my task to coordinate meals to be brought in.  And I've done a few myself, which has stretched my organizing and cooking skills.

August 23, Mike and I were supposed to go to St George, go out to eat with Matt and his parents and then go see Eric in "Something Rotten."  But I woke up really sick with a cold, so that got cancelled. I stayed in bed for a few days, rested, drank lots of fluids and sucked on zinc lozenges. I felt much better in 4 to 5 days. It used to take me only 3 days . . . guess I'm getting old.  I did go get a COVID-19 test just to make sure my cold/cough wasn't the dreaded disease. It was not.

 The weekend of Aug 28 and 29 was a busy one for us!  Since I was feeling almost normal, we went ahead and kept our plans to travel to Salt Lake and Kayesville to visit.  And Visit we DID!

First Deb and Lon Chesley in West Jordan. We had a lovely visit with them and enjoyed touring through Lon's workshop and office and garden and orchard. He has only another month or so before he retires from working for the Church in the temple department.  He's been working from home for the past 2 years. The Salt Lake Temple was where he USED to work, but it's been closed for renovations for about that long...the department has changed  . . . it's time to let go and find an ADA home for their son Jacob(34) and themselves in later years.  

After that visit, we dropped off a big bowl of fresh peaches at Nick and Kaylee's house and rested a few moments before heading to 

Disneyland Kayesville.  At least, that's what Karen's grandkids and nieces and nephews call her backyard and party area. It's pretty spectacular. She and Roger hosted a really fun pool party and cook out/potluck for the Texarkana gang again. We are all aging.  Dinner conversation centered around operations, illnesses and Medicare. haha.  Well, not totally, but some of it surely did. It was fun to get to chat and visit again.  I spend time moving around in the water and was exhausted by the time we arrived at Nick's house that evening.  I slept pretty soundly. ha. (for not-my-bed, at least)

Sunday, I watched our ward Sacrament meeting via the internet and at noon we went to church with Nick and his family. They have a very loud organist. ;-) .  Friendly ward, nice Sunday School class on Temples. It was good. Fifth Sunday combines Relief Society and Priesthood meetings, so we got to spend that much more time with Nick and Kaylee. Emily had a good nap, sleeping soundly in Nick's arms. Rachel is the "Little Mother" who gathers up her little siblings after Sacrament meeting ends and takes them off to their classes in Primary. It's quite cute.  We had a light lunch with them after church, then headed (after a brief nap) to Saratoga Springs to see Aunt Tuny, Sandi and Suz and spouses.  We got to see how Aunt Tuny's apartment is coming along-- almost done-- and stayed to visit for close to 2 hours. It was fun. Then we came back to Nick's in time to celebrate Rachel's 7th birthday with Kaylee's family joining us.  She (Kaylee) made a lovely dinner of baked potatoes and 2 kinds of chili, plus a lot of sides. The weather was still smokey from California fires, so even though the tables were comfortably placed in the shade outdoors, I chose to eat indoors and avoid the smoke. Yucky.  But really yummy food, including brownies and ice cream.  Rachel opened presents, and shortly after, Mike and I headed home. We stopped in Provo to say HI to Robert and Janet, too. Didn't stay long. They'd caught colds while tending Tiffany's two little boys while she rested up after having been in a car wreck, poor thing. [I just saw a photo on Facebook today, though, that showed her out with Janet and Robert and Janet's parents--all the girls with babies out to eat  and they all looked well. Jessica and Scarlett (and Josh); Amanda and Kolton with their 2 boys; Tiffany with her two littles. Glad they are all doing well. ]

So, without further ado, here are some photos of the festivities. I forgot to snap a photo while at Rob's.

I'm testing out the carving/wood-working bench that Lon MADE . He's quite the talented woodworker, carver, leather-worker, etch.  And collector of tools. I enjoyed seeing those, too.  After all, I have antique tools hanging on my kitchen wall, remember?

Above is a Windsor Chair Lon made from scratch. It's beautiful, and oh-so-comfy! It wraps you in and hugs you. There's a crock of walking sticks in the corner, a hand-made bent-handled oar. . .  just a plethora of fun stuff to see and admire!

Then on to Karen and Roger's home in Kayesville. It's just gorgeous. And so was the weather. And the food. And the company.

Karen Green and her mom, Norma Conner.

Mike on the "Putting Green" in the back yard behind the Gazeebo. Which is behind the pool. Which is down the hill from the other pool which is by the house.
Water falls.

Playground for Keikis

Adorable fountain by the putting green. It's a golfer awaiting the rain to stop.

Lynn Reamer Zylks Richards waving from the lower "diving" pool.

Upper pool with decks and party area.
Karen and Aubrey

There was a nice turnout of Texarkan Transplants: Me and Mike, Bill and Claudia Conner, Aubrey and Mendy Conner, Norma, Kim Evans and Zhi Wei, Lynn with 2 sons and 2 grandkids, Tim and Debbie Brown. I particularly enjoyed visiting with Claudia while we 'swam' in the pool. It was lovely to get to know her a bit better.  And of course, our generous hosts, Karen and Roger. So sweet of them to share their abundance with us all. It's truly like Disneyland there!  You name it, they've got it. A fun time was had by all.
Now!  On to the REAL Party--The one celebrating Rachel turning 7. She really got to celebrate. She had a friend party early the previous week. Nick was a mad scientist and the theme was Science, of course. All the neighbor kids who came to her friend party got to make volcanos and lava lamps! They also had a treat and sang Happy Birthday on her REAL birthday with just the family. And then this bigger extended family party to celebrate further. Wow!
Here's just a fun shot of everyone reading before church on Sunday morning.
Mike and Emily. She's about 2 1/2 months old.
Family gathered in the side yard for dinner.

They have such a nice play area for the kids to use. And they DO used it! Lots. "Underdogs" on the swings are quite popular, I hear.
That's Jane in the red shirt. She's two.

Logan and Rachel.
I took this picture to show the lovely Wasatch range over there in the distance. See it? Nope. You cannot because there is so much smoke in the air from the many burning California fires. Actually, if you look closely, you can barely see the outline of the closest range.  But it was really bad.  <hack, hack; cough>

Nick put together a cute slide show of "Rachel" photos that were on his phone. We were able to watch Rachel growing right up before our eyes while she sat and opened presents from grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles.

She's reading a very long card from me and Mike. It was just a sweet "Granddaughter" type card. She kept reading and reading and reading. . . I was thinking, "I don't remember this card being so long! Maybe it's not ours, after all." So I asked, "Rachel, who is that card from?"  That's the silly smile resulting--"YOU, Grandma!"  Well, someone said she got her 15 minutes of reading in for that day. ha.

Emily and Kaylee. Emily actually fell asleep in the next few minutes while Kaylee was holding her like that. Just nodded off in the midst of all the boisterous present - opening noises and commotion.

Jane and her sweet Daddy.

Rachel's Grandpa Christensen has a really cool tradition for all of his grandchildren. Each one has a walking stick that he has selected and carved. At each birthday, he makes a mark in the stick to show how tall they are. Each year on their birthday, he marks their height and shows them how much they have grown up, as demonstrated on the marks on the stick. He has carved their names in the sticks. Above, he has just measured Rachel. Below, he had missed Andee's birthday, so he was catching up with her on this day, too.  Once the grandchild outgrows their stick, it's theirs to keep.  Grandpa has carved their names in it and the dates, along with the height.  Fun, huh? And, just so you know, Mike Christensen is actually a very talented wood carver and wood-worker. He has some beautiful pieces.

Andee, Rachel, Logan.

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