Friday, July 1, 2022

Five days makes a big difference

 In Rehab and Physical therapy for Mom, five days hasade a HUGE different!. Good progress, but I'm so glad to be her advocate and make sure meds are correct, etc. She's doing a lot of hard work. 

We've been on a couple of walks out in the sunshine. She's being wheeled in chair, but might be up to a little more in about a week. She's already able to do much of bathroom duties alone. Amazing. She is Eating in the dining room most of the time trying to eat more and gain weight. And she really does try to work out with the therapists. She overdid it one day and knows better than to do that now. And she's nearly free of pain meds. 

Now if they would just stop pricking her fingers two or three times a day, she'd really appreciate it. 

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